Performance, Fault-Tolerance and Scalability Analysis of Virtual Infrastructure Management System
Xiangzhen Kong,Jiwei Huang,Chuang Lin,Peter D. Ungsunan
Abstract:The virtual infrastructure has become more and more popular in the grid and cloud computing. With the aggrandizement scale, the management of the resources in virtual infrastructure faces a great technical challenge. To support the upper services effectively, it raises higher requirements for the performance, fault-tolerance and scalability of virtual infrastructure management systems. In this paper, we study the performance, fault-tolerance and scalability of virtual infrastructure management systems with the three typical structures, including centralized, hierarchical and peer-to-peer structures. We give the mathematical definition of the evaluation metrics and give detailed quantitative analysis, and then get several useful conclusions for enhancing the performance, fault-tolerance and scalability, based on the quantitative analysis. We believe that the results of this work will help system architects make informed choices for building virtual infrastructure.