On exactlym times covers
Beth C. Kovach,Lawrence E. Reeves,Candelaria Domingo,Sydney N. L'heureux,Gavriel V. Burger,Scott D. Schermerhorn,Michael T. Riles,Robert L. Aldridge,Barry W. Alto,C. Roxanne Connelly,Bernard A. Okech,Blair D. Siegfried,Kenneth J. Linthicum,Muhammad Umer Farooq,Lea Bangonan,Tianyun Su,Heng Su,Maria Dantur Juri,E. Martínez,Paúl Duque,Marina Stein,Maria Anice,Mureb Sallum,Michael Boehmler,Lawrence J. Hribar,Zoltán Kenyeres,Lőrinc Andrási,Péter Kovács,András Márkus,Tamás Sáringer-Kenyeres,Amy Runde,Marlon Henry,Mark Clifton
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02773696
Israel Journal of Mathematics
Abstract:In this paper it is shown that if every integer is covered bya 1+n 1ℤ,…,a k +n k ℤ exactlym times then for eachn=1,…,m there exist at least ( n m ) subsetsI of {1,…k} such that ∑ i ∈ I 1/n i equalsn. The bound ( n m ) is best possible.