An Empirical Research on the Mechanisms of Leader-Member Exchange and Employee Creativity in China
Jun XIE,Lin WANG,Xiao-ping CHU
Abstract:In the face of increasingly turbulent environments,heightened competition,and unpredictable technological change,an increasing number of managers are encouraging their employees to be creative in order to help their companies compete with competitors.Many studies have shown that employee creativity can fundamentally contribute to organizational innovation,effectiveness,and survival. Creativity refers to the development of novel and useful ideas about products,practices,services,or procedures. Employee creativity can be fostered at any level of an organization. Although a number of studies have investigated the impact of leaders on creativity,they have largely focused on issues of transformational leadership,empowering leadership,and leader support. Evidence regarding the mechanisms between leader-member exchange and employee creativity remains inconclusive and underdeveloped.In order to build a model linking leader-member exchange and creativity,we conducted literature review on intrinsic motivation and self-conception. In addition,we identified two factors,including intrinsic motivation and perceived insider status that could potentially mediate the relationship between leader-member exchange and creativity. Intrinsic motivation refers to the extent to which an individual is excited about work activity and engages in it for the sake of the activity itself. Scholars have long argued that individuals are likely to be creative when they experience high levels of intrinsic motivation because motivation increases their tendency to be curious,cognitively flexible,risk taking,and persistent in the face of barriers.All of these characteristics should facilitate the development of creative ideas. We further explored the extent to which leadermember exchange works through intrinsic motivation to ultimately influence employee creativity. The effect of intrinsic motivation on creativity has mixed results in previous studies. To unveil the mechanisms that increase creativity,we posit that perceived insider status,which refers to the extent to which an employee perceives him / herself as an organizational insider,could also have effect and should be considered. Recent researches indicate that there is a positive relationship between perceived insider status and employee creativity. Drawing on a self-conception perspective on creativity,our study extends the existing creativity research by not only theorizing that intrinsic motivation may uniquely cultivate employee creativity,but also elucidating that the perceived insider status drives employee creativity.We used 234 supervisor-subordinate dyads samples in China to examine the mediating effect of intrinsic motivation and perceivedinsider status on the relationship between leader-member exchange and employee creativity. The structural equation model analysis showed that leader-member exchange has significantly positive impact on employee creativity. Intrinsic motivation and perceived insider status can significantly mediate leader-member exchange's influence on employee creativity. Finally, we discuss theoretical contributions,practical implications,and future research directions.