Analysis for Reliability of Groyne Safety during Random Erosion Process

Qiu-cai Zhen,Wo-hua Zhang,Xian-yu Jin
Abstract:This paper presents the mechanism of erosion scourin groyne of levee projects and a probability method ofthe reliability analysis for groyne erosion process underaffects of random factors. The safety (stability) criterionof groyne erosion due to flow scour has been taken intoaccount for that the equivalent gradient of the back-slopeof the eroded pit near the head of the groyne should beless than that of a critical value of JD, which is relatedwith the rest angle of the scoured out silt under water. Incomputational analysis, most important design factorshave been taken into account for the correlated or independedrandom parameters in the reliability analysis.The developed analysis could provide an advanced basison the reliability evaluation and design for groynes oflevee projects.
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