Understanding the Power of Smartrouter-based Peer CDN for Video Streaming
Ma Ming,Wang Zhi,Su Ke,Sun Lifeng
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/icccn.2016.7568594
Abstract:Recent years have witnessed a new video delivery paradigm: smartrouter-based video delivery network, which is enabled by smartrouters deployed at users' homes, together with the conventional video servers deployed in the datacenters. Recently, ChinaCache, a large content delivery network (CDN) provider, and Youku, a video service provider using smartrouters to assist video delivery, announced their cooperation to create a new paradigm of content delivery based on householders' network resources [1]. This new paradigm is different from the conventional peer-to-peer (P2P) approach, because such dedicated smartrouters are inherently operated by the centralized video service providers in a coordinative manner. It is intriguing to study the strategies, performance and potential impact on the content delivery ecosystem of such peer CDN systems. In this paper, we study the Youku peer CDN, which has deployed over 300K smartrouter devices for its video streaming. In our measurement, 78K videos were investigated and 3TB traffic has been analyzed, over controlled routers and players. Our contributions are the following measurement insights. First, a global replication and caching strategy is essential for the peer CDN systems, and proactively scheduling replication and caching on a daily basis can guarantee their performance. Second, such peer CDN deployment can itself form an effective Quality of Service (QoS) monitoring sub-system, which can be used for fine-grained user request redirection. We also provide our analysis on the performance issues and potential improvements to the peer CDN systems.