The Implementation and Optimization of Irregular Application Task Models Based on the Cell BE Processor
JiLin Zhang -,Yi Chen -,Jue Wang -,EnYi Liu -,YuYu Yin -,YongJian Ren -,CaiHong Li -
International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications
Abstract:The task parallelization is proposed in the OpenMP3.0 specification, which aims to resolve the irregular parallel computing problems. This paper presents the novel irregular application task model on Cell BE processors, which could reduce the difficulty of irregular applied parallel programming. In this Model, the two kinds of optimization techniques for maximum task numbers and maximum recursive layer are realized to avoid producing a large amount of fine-grained tasks and improve effectively the program performance of parallel execution. The experimental results show that the speedup of the typical irregular application is increased to 5.3 in a single Cell processor with six SPEs. Keyword: Heterogeneous Multi-Core, Irregular, Task Parallel, Breadth-First