MCSAMS: A Novel WSRF and Multi-agent based Distributed Multimedia Content Service Alliance and Management Scheme
ZhiHui Lu,Jie Wu,Yiping Zhong,WeiMing Fu,Shiyong Zhang
Abstract:Application integration is becoming the hottest topic in information technology today. Heterogeneous, isolated content service systems are faced with difficult integration problem. Firstly, we propose a novel Web Services Composition-based Content Service Alliance Platform (CSA-Platform). In this platform, we emphasize on heterogeneous service status monitoring and service scheduling switching issue; we propose a novel WSRF and Multi-agent based content service alliance and management scheme in CSA-Platform. Furthermore, we describe WSDM-based content service monitoring and scheduling model, including Manager Layer, WSDM-Gateway Layer, and Agent Layer. And then we study multi-agent-based content service status collecting strategy. As part of experiment work, we design JMX-MUSE based content service monitoring and scheduling scheme, and carry out the module implementation, and then analyze the experiment results. At last, we analyze the prospective research direction and challenges in this field.