Asymmetry of 2-step Transit Probabilities in 2-Coloured Regular Graphs
Ron Gray,J. Robert Johnson
Abstract:Suppose that the vertices of a regular graph are coloured red and blue with an equal number of each (we call this a balanced colouring). Since the graph is undirected, the number of edges from a red vertex to a blue vertex is clearly the same as the number of edges from a blue vertex to a red vertex. However, if instead of edges we count walks of length $2$, then this symmetry disappears. Our aim in this paper is to investigate how extreme this asymmetry can be.
Our main question is: Given a $d$-regular graph, for which pairs $(x,y)\in[0,1]^2$ is there a balanced colouring for which the probability that a random walk starting from a red vertex stays within the red class for at least $2$ steps is $x$, and the corresponding probability for blue is $y$?
Our most general result is that for any $d$-regular graph, these pairs lie within the convex hull of the $2d$ points $\left\{\left(\frac{l}{d},\frac{l^2}{d^2}\right),\left(\frac{l^2}{d^2},\frac{l}{d}\right) :0\leq l\leq d\right\}$.
Our main focus is the torus for which we prove both sharper bounds and existence results via constructions. In particular, for the $2$-dimensional torus, we show that asymptotically, the region in which these pairs of probabilities can lie is exactly the convex hull of: \[ \left\{\left(0,0\right),\left(\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{4}\right),\left(\frac{3}{4},\frac{9}{16}\right),\left(\frac{1}{4},\frac{1}{2}\right),\left(\frac{9}{16},\frac{3}{4}\right),\left(1,1\right)\right\} \]