Stochastic Comparisons And Dependence Of Spacings From Two Samples Of Exponential Random Variables
Taizhong Hu,Feng Wang,Zegang Zhu
Abstract:Let X-1, X-2,...,X-n be independent exponential random variables such that X-i has hazard rate lambda for i = 1,...,p and X-j has hazard rate lambda* for j = p + 1,...,n, where 1 <= p < n. Denote by D-i:n(lambda,lambda*) = X-i:n - Xi-1:n the ith spacing of the order statistics X-1:n <= X-2:n <= ...<= X-n:n, i = 1,..., n, where X-0:n = 0. It is shown that the spacings (D-1,D-n, D-2,D-n,...,D-n:n) are MTP2, strengthening one result of Khaledi and Kochar (2000), and that (D-1:n (lambda(2),lambda*),..., D-n:n (lambda(2),lambda*)) <= (lr) (D-1:n (lambda(1), lambda*),..., D-n:n (lambda(1), lambda*)) for lambda(1) <= lambda* <= lambda(2), where <=(lr) denotes the multivariate likelihood ratio order. A counterexample is also given to show that this comparison result is in general not true for lambda* < lambda(1) < lambda(2).