Globally Solving Quadratic Programs with Convex Objective and Complementarity Constraints Via Completely Positive Programming
Zhi-Bin Deng,Ye Tian,Cheng Lu,Wen-Xun Xing
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
Abstract:Quadratic programs with complementarity constraints (QPCC) are NP-hard due to the nonconvexity of complementarity relation between the pairs of nonnegative variables. Most of the existing solvers are capable of solving QPCC by finding stationary solutions, which are not able to be verified as global or local optimal ones. In this paper, we aim to globally solve QPCC by a branch-and-bound algorithm, in which the doubly nonnegative (DNN) relaxation in each node is efficiently solved via an augmented Lagrangian method. The method is practically efficient due to the fact that the augmented Lagrangian function can be decomposed into two easy-to-solve subproblems. Computational results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, with a particular highlight in only a few nodes for some instances.