Service Selection in Dynamic Demand-Driven Web Services

XL Wang,K Yue,JSZX Huang,AY Zhou
Abstract:Recently, Web services have become a new technologytrend for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) andmore and more applications based on Web services areemerging. One of the problems in using Web services inbusiness applications such as logistics is servicescomposition automatically and efficiently. In this paper,we present a Dynamic, Demand-Driven Web servicesEngine called D3D-Serv to implement composite servicefunctionality that is used to dynamically build compositeservices from existing services according to differentbusiness logics and requirements. In this D3D_Servframework, the most challenging function to implement isdynamic selection of service providers at run time. Thehighly dynamic and distributed nature of Web servicesoften makes some service providers overloaded at certaintimes while others idle. To solve this problem, we proposean efficient services selection and execution strategy thatis based on the queuing theory and can provideguarantees for the QOS (Quality of Service) underprovider's limited resources. Preliminary experimentalresults have shown that this algorithm is effective.
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