On Convergent Rate of Genetic Algorithms
Lishan Kang
Abstract:Bounds on the convergent rate is an important problem in the f oundations of genetic algorithm. This paper obtained some bounds on the convergent rate of genetic algorithms by Marko v chain theory. The main result is that the algorithms conver gence in geometric rate under the meaning of probability measure. I. I NTRODUCTION When genetic algorithms [4] [6] [7] are used to solve optimiz ation problems, we should answer two basic theoretical questions: (1) to prove the convergence of genetic algorith ms; (2) to analysis the efficiency of the algorithms, in some w ay, to give bounds on the convergent rate. Many works [5] [8] [19] ha s been done to answer question (1), and obtained some good results (such as in Rudolph [19]). But few results about the efficiency of the genetic algorithm s are obtained. Bäck [2] and Mühlenbein [15] made the first steps in this direction, Suzuki [21] derived a low-bound of t he convergent rate for the simple genetic algorithms. This paper gives a general answer to question (2). Our basic i dea is that: in numerical optimization, if ξt is the iterative solution at time t andξ is the exact solution, then we should prove ‖ ξt − ξ ‖→ 0 as t → 0 and estimate the error distance ‖ ξt − ξ ∗ ‖. This idea is still useful in the genetic algorithms (or stoc hastic algorithms in general), in the stochastic version, ξt andξ become random variables. Denote the probability distribut ion of ξt andξ asμt andπ respectively, and‖ μt − π ‖ as their total variation distance, then question (1) is to pr ve ‖ μt − π ‖→ 0 as t → ∞, and question (2) is to estimate the bounds of‖ μt − π ‖. By using the results of Markov chain theory in [12] [13] [17] [ 18], we give answers to questions (1) and (2). Our main results is that the genetic algorithms with elite strategy n ot only converge:‖ μt − π ‖→ 0 as t → ∞, but also converge in a geometric rate:‖ μt − π ‖≤ (1 − δ)0. Section 2 establishes a Markov chain model for genetic algor ithms. Section 3 introduces some results about convergent r ate of Markov chain. We apply them to genetic algorithm and get so me theorems about the convergent rate in Section 4. We come to our conclusions in Section 5. II. M ARKOV CHAIN MODEL (EVOLUTION) FOR GENETIC ALGORITHMS This paper divide the usual genetic algorithms into two clas ses: genetic algorithms whose mutation, crossover and sele ction operator are not changed as time; and genetic evolution algo rithms [8] whose operators are variable as time. The section shows that the mathematical model of genetic algorithms is a stationary Markov chain, and the model of genetic evolution algorithms is a non-stationary Markov chain. We make some pr ior properties for these Markov chain from observation on genetic (evolution) algorithms. A. Markov chain model for genetic algorithm Consider the optimization problem: max{f(x); x ∈ X} (1) whereX is a bounded compact space, f(x) is a continuous function. And then the above problem has at le ast one solution. We denote optimal set Sopt = {x; f(x) = maxy∈X f(y)}. ObviouslySopt is also a bounded compact set. The genetic algorithm[19] for solving the problem is descri ed n Fig. 1. Definition 1: The spaceX is called as individual space where each point x in X is called as individual, and the product space X = X × X × · · ·X is called as population space, where x in X is called as population, denoted by x = {x1, · · · , xN }. The fitness of one population f(x) = max{f(xi); xi ∈ X}. and the optimal set S opt = {x; ∃xi ∈ x : xi ∈ Sopt}. In order to use the results in probability theory, we assume (X ,B(X)) is a measurable space where B(A) representsσ algebraic generated by some subsets of set A. And we assumeSopt ∈ B(X). Markov chain [5] [7] [19] offers an appreciate mathematical model to genetic algorithms. Here we review this descriptio n. Assumeξ(t) represents the state of population at time t, ξ M (t) represents the state of population after mutation process, ξ C (t) represents the state of population after crossover process , ξ S (t) represents the state of population after selection process , and letξ(t + 1) = ξ S (t), thenξ(t), ξ M (t), ξ C (t) andξ(t + 1) are random variables on measurable space (X ,B(X). Jun He is with Department of Computer Science, Northern Jiao tong University, Beijing 100044, P.R. China. (mailto:jun. he@ieee.org) Lishan Kang is with State Key Laboratory of Software Enginee ring, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, P.R. China DRAFT -DRAFT -DRAFT -DRAFT -DRAFT -2 choose an initial population determine the fitness of each individual perform selection REPEAT perform mutation perform crossover determine the fitness of each individual perform selection UNTIL some stopping criterion holds Fig. 1. genetic algorithm ξ(t) P M −→ξ M (t) P C −→ξ C (t) P S −→ξ S (t)(= ξ(t + 1)) Fig. 2. Mathematical model of genetic algorithms Mutation operator is described by a mutation transition pro bability function: P M (t,x, A) = P (ξ M (t) ∈ A | ξ(t) = x) Crossover operator is described by a crossover transition p r bability function: P C (t,x, A) = P (ξ C (t) ∈ A | ξ M (t) = x) Selection operator is described by a selection transition p r bability function: P S (t,x, A) = P (ξ S (t) ∈ A | ξ C (t) = x) Since each operator in the genetic algorithms is not changed as time, we haveP M (t,x, A) = P M (x, A), P C (t,x, A) = P C (x, A) andP S (t,x, A) = P S (x, A) for all time t. The genetic algorithm is described by a stationary Markov ch ain {ξ(t); t ∈ Z} on space(X ,B(X), whose transition probability is given by Kolmogorov-Chapman equation: