Maxwell’s Equations in Nonlinear Biperiodic Structures
gang bao,aurelia minut,zhengfang zhou
Abstract:Significant recent technology advances have been made in nonlinear optics due to rapid developments of laser technology and nonlinear optical materials. Examples of nonlinear optics include laser technology, spectroscopy, optical switching and sensors, parametric amplifiers and oscillators, optical computing, and communications. A remarkable application is to generate powerful coherent radiation at a frequency that is twice that of available lasers, socalled second harmonic generation (SHG). However, nonlinear optical effects are generally very weak without effective enhancement. Recently, a novel idea to enhance the nonlinear interaction between the material and the light by using periodic (or grating) structures has been successfully explored by physicists and engineers. In particular, it has been announced [8], [9] that SHG can be greatly enhanced by using diffraction gratings.