Positive Correlation Between Heavy Alcoholic Drinking and SARS-Cov-2 Non-Infection Rate
Ning-Hua Tong,Pietro Salvatori
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.40130
Abstract:Introduction During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, rumors claimed that alcohol drinking could someway be useful in contrasting the contagion and even the disease. It appears opportune to bring some robust data to determine whether heavy alcohol drinkers and non-drinkers experienced different infection rates. Methods A cross-sectional study through a simple survey based on the social media software Weixin and the mini survey program Wenjuanxing was carried out in China after the zero-Covid policy ended, namely from 15:00 January 1, 2023, to 12:35 January 3, 2023. The evaluation was conducted among subjects belonging to the first author's Weixin community, mostly residents in the higher populated China area. Study participants received a questionary and were asked about their virus infection status, and were classified into two groups: (a) infected, meaning he/she has been infected at least once (whether recovered or not); (b) remain uninfected, meaning the virus has not infected him/her. A total of 211 subjects adhered to the survey. Alcoholic drinking behavior about liquors with no less than 40% alcohol content in volume was retrieved from the participants. In China, such beverages are almost uniquely referred to as the Chinese Spirits or BaiJiu. The frequency of drinking quantified the drinking behavior, and it is classified into three groups: never drink or drink occasionally (group A); drink one or two times per week (group B); drink three times per week or more often (group C). The hypothesis of an existing relationship between infection status and drinking behavior was advanced before data collection. The numbers of the uninfected people in each of the three drinking groups were counted, and the rates of not-infection were calculated. The rates are compared with each other to conclude whether significant differences exist, considering the size of the samples. The conclusion is drawn from standard hypothesis testing. Results The male/female ratio was 108/103 (51.2% and 48.8%), the mean age was 38.8 years (range 21-68), and the median age of 37.4 years. The total 211 participants fell into three groups with different drinking frequencies, with counts (percentages in total 211 participants) 139 (65.9%) in group A, 28 (13.3%) in group B, and 44 (20.8%) in group C. The number (percentage within the group) of uninfected members in groups A, B, and C are 29 (20.9%), 7 (25.0%), and 17 (38.6%), respectively. The statistical analysis through the Cochran-Armitage trend test gave a significative result: p=0.0209. Conclusions Within the methodology's limitations, this study shows the significant relationship between alcohol drinking habits and the chances of avoiding SARS-CoV-2 infection. A possible hypothesis explaining these findings is advanced. However, the authors warn about misleading conclusions and advocate research that could properly guide ethanol use in the present and other possible pandemics. Limitations This study is based on self-reported data from a specific community in China. There could be recall bias and social desirability bias, and the generalizability of the findings to other populations could be limited. Other factors that could influence infection rates, such as age, occupation, and health status, are not controlled in the present study. There could be other explanations for the observed relationship between alcohol drinking habits and infection rates.