Large-scale cosmic-ray anisotropies above 4 EeV measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory
Pierre Auger Collaboration,A. Aab,P. Abreu,M. Aglietta,I.F.M. Albuquerque,J.M. Albury,I. Allekotte,A. Almela,J. Alvarez Castillo,J. Alvarez-Muñiz,G.A. Anastasi,L. Anchordoqui,B. Andrada,S. Andringa,C. Aramo,H. Asorey,P. Assis,G. Avila,A.M. Badescu,A. Balaceanu,F. Barbato,R.J. Barreira Luz,S. Baur,K.H. Becker,J.A. Bellido,C. Berat,M.E. Bertaina,X. Bertou,P.L. Biermann,J. Biteau,S.G. Blaess,A. Blanco,J. Blazek,C. Bleve,M. Boháčová,C. Bonifazi,N. Borodai,A.M. Botti,J. Brack,T. Bretz,A. Bridgeman,F.L. Briechle,P. Buchholz,A. Bueno,S. Buitink,M. Buscemi,K.S. Caballero-Mora,L. Caccianiga,L. Calcagni,A. Cancio,F. Canfora,J.M. Carceller,R. Caruso,A. Castellina,F. Catalani,G. Cataldi,L. Cazon,J.A. Chinellato,J. Chudoba,L. Chytka,R.W. Clay,A.C. Cobos Cerutti,R. Colalillo,A. Coleman,M.R. Coluccia,R. Conceição,G. Consolati,F. Contreras,M.J. Cooper,S. Coutu,C.E. Covault,B. Daniel,S. Dasso,K. Daumiller,B.R. Dawson,J.A. Day,R.M. de Almeida,S.J. de Jong,G. De Mauro,J.R.T. de Mello Neto,I. De Mitri,J. de Oliveira,V. de Souza,J. Debatin,O. Deligny,N. Dhital,M.L. Díaz Castro,F. Diogo,C. Dobrigkeit,J.C. D'Olivo,Q. Dorosti,R.C. dos Anjos,M.T. Dova,A. Dundovic,J. Ebr,R. Engel,M. Erdmann,C.O. Escobar,A. Etchegoyen,H. Falcke,J. Farmer,G. Farrar,A.C. Fauth,N. Fazzini,F. Feldbusch,F. Fenu,L.P. Ferreyro,J.M. Figueira,A. Filipčič,M.M. Freire,T. Fujii,A. Fuster,B. García,H. Gemmeke,A. Gherghel-Lascu,P.L. Ghia,U. Giaccari,M. Giammarchi,M. Giller,D. Głas,J. Glombitza,G. Golup,M. Gómez Berisso,P.F. Gómez Vitale,N. González,I. Goos,D. Góra,A. Gorgi,M. Gottowik,T.D. Grubb,F. Guarino,G.P. Guedes,E. Guido,R. Halliday,M.R. Hampel,P. Hansen,D. Harari,T.A. Harrison,V.M. Harvey,A. Haungs,T. Hebbeker,D. Heck,P. Heimann,G.C. Hill,C. Hojvat,E.M. Holt,P. Homola,J.R. Hörandel,P. Horvath,M. Hrabovský,T. Huege,J. Hulsman,A. Insolia,P.G. Isar,I. Jandt,J.A. Johnsen,M. Josebachuili,J. Jurysek,A. Kääpä,K.H. Kampert,B. Keilhauer,N. Kemmerich,J. Kemp,H.O. Klages,M. Kleifges,J. Kleinfeller,R. Krause,D. Kuempel,G. Kukec Mezek,A. Kuotb Awad,B.L. Lago,D. LaHurd,R.G. Lang,R. Legumina,M.A. Leigui de Oliveira,V. Lenok,A. Letessier-Selvon,I. Lhenry-Yvon,D. Lo Presti,L. Lopes,R. López,A. López Casado,R. Lorek,Q. Luce,A. Lucero,M. Malacari,M. Mallamaci,G. Mancarella,D. Mandat,P. Mantsch,A.G. Mariazzi,I.C. Mariş,G. Marsella,D. Martello,H. Martinez,O. Martínez Bravo,H.J. Mathes,S. Mathys,J. Matthews,G. Matthiae,E. Mayotte,P.O. Mazur,G. Medina-Tanco,D. Melo,A. Menshikov,K.-D. Merenda,S. Michal,M.I. Micheletti,L. Middendorf,L. Miramonti,B. Mitrica,D. Mockler,S. Mollerach,F. Montanet,C. Morello,G. Morlino,M. Mostafá,A.L. Müller,M.A. Muller,S. Müller,R. Mussa,L. Nellen,P.H. Nguyen,M. Niculescu-Oglinzanu,M. Niechciol,D. Nitz,D. Nosek,V. Novotny,L. Nožka,A Nucita,L.A. Núñez,A. Olinto,M. Palatka,J. Pallotta,P. Papenbreer,G. Parente,A. Parra,M. Pech,F. Pedreira,J. Pękala,R. Pelayo,J. Peña-Rodriguez,L.A.S. Pereira,M. Perlin,L. Perrone,C. Peters,S. Petrera,J. Phuntsok,T. Pierog,M. Pimenta,V. Pirronello,M. Platino,J. Poh,B. Pont,C. Porowski,R.R. Prado,P. Privitera,M. Prouza,A. Puyleart,S. Querchfeld,S. Quinn,R. Ramos-Pollan,J. Rautenberg,D. Ravignani,M. Reininghaus,J. Ridky,F. Riehn,M. Risse,P. Ristori,V. Rizi,W. Rodrigues de Carvalho,J. Rodriguez Rojo,M.J. Roncoroni,M. Roth,E. Roulet,A.C. Rovero,P. Ruehl,S.J. Saffi,A. Saftoiu,F. Salamida,H. Salazar,A. Saleh,G. Salina,F. Sánchez,E.M. Santos,E. Santos,F. Sarazin,R. Sarmento,C. Sarmiento-Cano,R. Sato,P. Savina,M. Schauer,V. Scherini,H. Schieler,M. Schimassek,M. Schimp,D. Schmidt,O. Scholten,P. Schovánek,F.G. Schröder,S. Schröder,J. Schumacher,S.J. Sciutto,R.C. Shellard,G. Sigl,G. Silli,O. Sima,R. Šmída,G.R. Snow,P. Sommers,J.F. Soriano,J. Souchard,R. Squartini,D. Stanca,S. Stanič,J. Stasielak,P. Stassi,M. Stolpovskiy,A. Streich,F. Suarez,M. Suárez-Durán,T. Sudholz,T. Suomijärvi,A.D. Supanitsky,J. Šupík,Z. Szadkowski,A. Taboada,O.A. Taborda,A. Tapia,C. Timmermans,C.J. Todero Peixoto,B. Tomé,G. Torralba Elipe,P. Travnicek,M. Trini,M. Tueros,R. Ulrich,M. Unger,M. Urban,J.F. Valdés Galicia,I. Valiño,L. Valore,P. van Bodegom,A.M. van den Berg,A. van Vliet,E. Varela,B. Vargas Cárdenas,R.A. Vázquez,D. Veberič,C. Ventura,I.D. Vergara Quispe,V. Verzi,J. Vicha,L. Villaseñor,S. Vorobiov,H. Wahlberg,O. Wainberg,A.A. Watson,M. Weber,A. Weindl,M. Wiedeński,L. Wiencke,H. Wilczyński,M. Wirtz,D. Wittkowski,B. Wundheiler,L. Yang,A. Yushkov,E. Zas,D. Zavrtanik,M. Zavrtanik,L. Zehrer,A. Zepeda,B. Zimmermann,M. Ziolkowski,Z. Zong,F. Zuccarello,et al. (277 additional authors not shown)
Abstract:We present a detailed study of the large-scale anisotropies of cosmic rays with energies above 4 EeV measured using the Pierre Auger Observatory. For the energy bins [4,8] EeV and $E\geq 8$ EeV, the most significant signal is a dipolar modulation in right ascension at energies above 8 EeV, as previously reported. In this paper we further scrutinize the highest-energy bin by splitting it into three energy ranges. We find that the amplitude of the dipole increases with energy above 4 EeV. The growth can be fitted with a power law with index $\beta=0.79\pm 0.19$. The directions of the dipoles are consistent with an extragalactic origin of these anisotropies at all the energies considered. Additionally we have estimated the quadrupolar components of the anisotropy: they are not statistically significant. We discuss the results in the context of the predictions from different models for the distribution of ultrahigh-energy sources and cosmic magnetic fields.
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena