The First Record of Ingestion and Inhalation of Micro- and Mesoplastics by Neotropical Bats from the Brazilian Amazon

Letcia L. Correia,Danielle R. G. Ribeiro-Brasil,Magali G. Garcia,Daniela de Melo e Silva,Ana B. Alencastre-Santos,Thiago B. Vieira,Letícia L. Correia
Acta Chiropterologica
Abstract:This study shows the abundance of contamination by microplastics (MPs) and the first record of contamination by MPs in bats. Additionally, we tried to understand the mechanism of the environmental contamination of bats. Therefore, the digestive and respiratory tracts from 81 adult bats belonging to 25 species were extracted for analysis. Bats were captured in different locations in the Brazilian Amazon (Altamira, Bragana, Brasil Novo, Medicilndia, Nova Timboteua, Placas, So Flix do Xingu, Uruar and Vitria do Xingu, all in the state of Par). The results showed that all species were contaminated with MPs in at least one of the analyzed systems. For the digestive system, the form of contamination occurs through bioaccumulation and biomagnification by the ingestion of contaminated food or water. In the case of the respiratory system, contamination occurs through the inhalation of MPs suspended in the atmospheric air. The different foraging characteristics of bats, the type of capture strategy for this food, and the type of habitat reinforce the idea that plastic contaminants are present in all environments. Este estudio muestra la abundancia de contaminacin por microplsticos (MP) y el primer registro de contaminacin por PM en murcilagos. Adems, intentamos comprender el mecanismo de contaminacin ambiental de los murcilagos. Por lo tanto, se extrajeron para su anlisis los tractos digestivo y respiratorio de 81 murcilagos adultos de 25 especies. Los murcilagos fueron capturados en diferentes localidades de la Amazona brasilea (Altamira, Bragana, Brasil Novo, Medicilndia, Nova Timboteua, Placas, So Flix do Xingu, Uruar y Vitria do Xingu, todos en el estado de Par). Los resultados mostraron que todas las especies estaban contaminadas con PM en al menos uno de los sistemas analizados. Para el sistema digestivo, la forma de contaminacin se produce por bioacumulacin y biomagnificacin por la ingestin de alimentos o agua contaminados. Mientras que para el sistema respiratorio, la contaminacin se produce por la inhalacin de PM suspendidas en el aire atmosfrico. Las diferentes caractersticas de alimentacin de los murcilagos, el tipo de estrategia de captura de este alimento y el tipo de hbitat refuerzan la idea de que los contaminantes plsticos estn presentes en todos los entornos.
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