Comparison of the particle flux measured by Liulin-MO dosimeter in ExoMars TGO science orbit with those calculated by models
Jordanka Semkova,Victor Benghin,Jingnan Guo,Jian Zhang,Fabiana Da Pieve,Krasimir Krastev,Yuri Matviichuk,Borislav Tomov,Vyacheslav Shurshakov,Sergey Drobyshev,Igor Mitrofanov,Dmitry Golovin,Maxim Litvak
Abstract:The knowledge of the space radiation environment in spacecraft transition and in Mars vicinity is of importance for the preparation of the human exploration of Mars. ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) was launched on March 14, 2016 and was inserted into circular Mars science orbit (MSO) with a 400 km altitude in March 2018. The Liulin-MO dosimeter is a module of the Fine Resolution Epithermal Neutron Detector (FREND) aboard ExoMars TGO and has been measuring the radiation environment during the TGO interplanetary travel to Mars and continues to do so in the TGO MSO. One of the scientific objectives of the Liulin-MO investigations is to provide data for verification and benchmarking of the Mars radiation environment models. In this work we present results of comparisons of the flux measured by the Liulin-MO in TGO Mars orbit with calculated estimations. Described is the methodology for estimation the particle flux in Liulin-MO detectors in MSO, which includes modeling the albedo spectra and procedure for calculation the fluxes, recorded by Liulin-MO on the basis of the detectors shielding model. The galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and Mars albedo radiation contribution to the detectors count rate was taken into account. The GCR particle flux was calculated using the Badhwar O'Neil 2014 model for December 1, 2018. Detailed calculations of the albedo spectra of protons, helium ions, neutrons and gamma rays at 70 km height, performed with Atmospheric Radiation Interaction Simulator (AtRIS), were used for deriving the albedo radiation fluxes at the TGO altitude. In particular, the sensitivity of the Liulin-MO semiconductor detectors to neutron and gamma radiation has been considered in order to calculate the contribution of the neutral particles to the detected flux. The results from the calculations suggest that the contribution of albedo radiation can be about 5% of the measured total flux from GCR and albedo at the TGO altitude. The critical effect of TGO orientation, causing different shading of the GCR flux by Mars, is also analysed in detail. The comparison between the measurements and estimations shows that the measured fluxes exceed the calculated values by at least 20% and that the effect of TGO orientation change is approximately the same for the calculated and measured fluxes. Accounting for the ACR contribution, secondary radiation and the gradient of GCR spectrum from 1 AU to 1.5 AU, the calculated flux may increase to match the measurement results. The results can serve for the benchmarking of GCRs models at Martian orbit.