The effect of ritodrine on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in normal and diabetic pregnant women.
S. Lenz,C. Kühl,P. Wang,L. Mølsted‐Pedersen,H. Orskov,O. Faber
Acta Endocrinologica
Abstract:The metabolic effects of a one hour intravenous infusion of the \g=b\-2\x=req-\ receptor stimulating drug ritodrine were studied in seven normal pregnant women, three White class A pregnant diabetics and eight White class B-D pregnant diabetics. During ritodrine infusion all subjects in the three groups exhibited increases in plasma glucose (1.0, 1.6 and 2.1 mmol/l respectively), free fatty acids (360, 850 and 1150 \g=m\mol/l), lactate (0.43, 0.80 and 0.86 mmol/l) and \g=b\-hydroxybutyrate and decreases in standard bicarbonate. The rise in plasma glucose, free fatty acids and lactate was more pronounced in insulin treated diabetic. The rises in \g=b\-hydroxybutyrateand decreases in standard bicarbonate were of the same magnitude in all three groups. Plasma potassium fell in all subjects, whereas no detectable changes in plasma sodium were observed. The endocrine pancreatic function was assessed by measuring plasma insulin (White class A and normals), C-peptide (White class B-D) and glucagon (all subjects). Plasma insulin increased in normals (22 \g=m\IU/ml) and White class A diabetics (33 \g=m\IU/ml),whereas plasma C-peptide of the insulin treated patients (White class B-D) were below measurable Correspondence and reprint request: Suzan Lenz, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology YB 4052, Rigshospitalet, DK-2100 Copenhagen 0, Denmark. Downloaded from at 11/04/2018 03:18:58PM via free access concentrations. Plasma glucagon and cortisol concentrations were not influenced by ritodrine. The results suggest that the diabetogenic changes induced by ritodrine are augmented with the severity of diabetes but not ascribable to a diabetes-like change in the function of the endocrine pancreas. Ritodrine (p-hydroxy-phenylethyl-p-hydroxy-norepinephrine) is a /í-2-receptor stimulating drug widely used in obstetrics for its ability to stop labour and prevent premature parturition. ^-mimetic drugs influence metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and electro¬ lytes. These drugs exert a diabetogenic effect despite a simultaneous increase in the release of insulin (Lunell et al. 1977; Thomas et al. 1977; Goldberg et al. 1975; Kauppila et al. 1978; Massaro et al. 1977; Fredholm et al. 1978). The role of glucagon in this context has only been sparsely investigated and results are conflicting (Gerich et al. 1974; Benson et al. 1977; Lipshitz Sc Vinik 1978; Spellacy et al. 1978). The aim of the present study was to elucidate further the metabolic actions of ritodrine on pregnant normal and diabetic women classified according to White (1965). To accomplish this, parameters of carbohydrate and lipid meta¬ bolism as well as plasma concentrations of the pancreatic glucoregulatory hormones, insulin and glucagon have been studied in normal and diabetic latepregnant women subjected to intravenous infusion of ritodrine. MATERIAL AND METHODS Subjects Eighteen pregnant women were included in the study. They were divided into three groups. The first group consisted of seven normal, non-potential diabetic women with¬ out glucosuria and without any medication. The second group consisted of three diabetic women belonging to White class A and the third group of eight diabetic women belonging to White class B-D. White class A patients were treated with diet only, whereas the White class B-D patients were treated with diet and combined inter¬ mediate and fast-acting insulin given twice a day, according to Pedersen (1977). Procedure The procedure was approved by the medical board which found that the drug in the actual doses would be harmless for maternal and foetal cardiovascular system and metabolism. The nature and implications of the experiment were explained to the subjects and all gave their consent. The studies were carried out between the 35th and 39th gestational week. None of the women were in labour. Normals and White class A patients were studied after an overnight fast, whereas White class B-D patients had their usual diet and insulin. Instead they were studied over two successive days, one day serving as a control day where no ritodrine was given. Morning meal was consumed at 8 a.m. and insulin taken Downloaded from at 11/04/2018 03:18:58PM via free access immediately before. Only one patient changed insulin-dose between the two days with a decrease of eight international units in the morning insulin-dose (64 to 56 IU). An indwelling catheter was inserted in an antecubital vein and blood samples were collected without stasis. Fifty mg ritodrine (Utopar Ido®) was dissolved in 500 ml isotonic saline. This solution was infused iv in the opposite arm at a rate of 0.2 mg/min by means of an infusion pump. Infusions started at 9 a.m. and continued for 60 min. Thus each woman was given a total ol 12 mg ritodrine. Chemical determinations Plasma glucose was analyzed by a glucose dehydrogenase method (Banaiiih et al. 1975) and plasma sodium and potassium by llame photometry. Standard bicarbonate was measured by means of a Radiometer acid-base analyzer (ABL-2) and blood lactate by the method of Gutmann Se Wahlefeld (¡974). Plasma /7-hydroxybutyrate was de¬ termined essentially as described by Williamson Se Mellanby (1974) except that the formation of NADH was measured fluorometrically. Blood was deproteinized in per¬ chloric acid immediately after sampling. Plasma free fatty acids (FFA) were measured by a radiochemical assay (Ho 8c Meng 1969). Total plasma cortisol was assayed by a competitive proteinbinding method (Kehlet et al. 1974) and plasma insulin and glucagon by radioimmunoassays (Kühl 8Holst 1976). Plasma C-peptide was determined according to Heding (¡975) using antibody M ¡230 (Faber et al. ¡976). Results are expressed as mean + sem. The figures depict the changes in electrolytes, metabolites and hormones as the differences between the value at the indicated time and the initial value, i.e. the result found immediately before the ritodrine infusion was started. For White class B-D patients separate curves are designed for the ritodrine day and the control day, the differences between the two curves being assumed to express the effect of ritodrine on the parameters under study. For statistical purposes the 60 min mean values have been compared except for lactate and potassium where the 120 min mean values have been used. The statistical evaluation of the data was performed by Student's ¡-test for unpaired observations between the groups and by Student's /-test for paired observations within the groups. Differences resulting in F-values below 0.05 were considered significant. RESULTS Table 1 gives the mean initial values as measured at 08.50 a.m. representing fasting values for normals and White class A patients. White class B-D patients had their usual morning meal and insulin-dose which probably explains the higher plasma glucose (8.2 and 9.4 mmol/1) and lower plasma FFA concentra¬ tions (500 /¿mol/1) in these patients. Plasma /3-hydroxybutyrate concentration was significantly higher in diabetics than in normals. In contrast concentrations of plasma electrolytes, glucagon and insulin were similar in all groups. Following ritodrine plasma glucose rose in all subjects and reached a peak value at 60 min. The mean increases at 60 min were 1.0 ± 0.4, 1.6 ± 0.29 and Downloaded from at 11/04/2018 03:18:58PM via free access Table 1. Mean initial plasma levels ± sem. Figures for normals and White class A patients represent fasting values. Parameter normals n= 7 White class A n = 3 White class B-D n = 8 control day ritodrine day Glucose mmol/1 FFA /(mol/1 /Vhydroxybutyrate mmol/1 Lactate mmol/ Bicarbonate mmol/1 Insulin /(IU/ml C-peptide pmol/ml Glucagon pg/ml Sodium mmol/1 Potassium mmol/1 4.7 ± 0.4 697 ± 72 0.14 ± 0.02 1.04 ± 0.07 22.1 ± 0.5 8 ± 1.4 0.52 ± 0.06 64 ± 6 137 ± 0.8 3.8 ± 0.09 3.1 860 0.3 50 1.0 ± 0.8 0.71 ± 0.51 20.0 ± 1.7 10 ± 7 0.56 ± 0.10 71 ± 5 135 ± 1.0 3.8 ± 0.06 8.2