Masked Image Modeling with Denoising Contrast
Kun Yi,Yixiao Ge,Xiaotong Li,Shusheng Yang,Dian Li,Jianping Wu,Ying Shan,Xiaohu Qie
Abstract: Since the development of self-supervised visual representation learning from contrastive learning to masked image modeling (MIM), there is no significant difference in essence, that is, how to design proper pretext tasks for vision dictionary look-up. MIM recently dominates this line of research with state-of-the-art performance on vision Transformers (ViTs), where the core is to enhance the patch-level visual context capturing of the network via denoising auto-encoding mechanism. Rather than tailoring image tokenizers with extra training stages as in previous works, we unleash the great potential of contrastive learning on denoising auto-encoding and introduce a pure MIM method, ConMIM, to produce simple intra-image inter-patch contrastive constraints as the sole learning objectives for masked patch prediction. We further strengthen the denoising mechanism with asymmetric designs, including image perturbations and model progress rates, to improve the network pre-training. ConMIM-pretrained models with various scales achieve competitive results on downstream image classification, semantic segmentation, object detection, and instance segmentation tasks, e.g., on ImageNet-1K classification, we achieve 83.9% top-1 accuracy with ViT-Small and 85.3% with ViT-Base without extra data for pre-training.