Emergence of order from chaos through a continuous phase transition in a turbulent reactive flow system
Sivakumar Sudarsanan,Amitesh Roy,Induja Pavithran,Shruti Tandon,R.I. Sujith
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.109.064214
Abstract:As the Reynolds number is increased, a laminar fluid flow becomes turbulent, and the range of time and length scales associated with the flow increases. Yet, in a turbulent reactive flow system, as we increase the Reynolds number, we observe the emergence of a single dominant time scale in the acoustic pressure fluctuations, as indicated by its loss of multifractality. Such emergence of order from chaos is intriguing and has hardly been studied. We perform experiments in a turbulent reactive flow system consisting of flame, acoustic, and hydrodynamic subsystems interacting nonlinearly. We study the evolution of short-time correlated dynamics between the acoustic field and the flame in the spatiotemporal domain of the system. The order parameter, defined as the fraction of the correlated dynamics, increases gradually from zero to one. We find that the susceptibility of the order parameter, correlation length, and correlation time diverge at a critical point between chaos and order. Our results show that the observed emergence of order from chaos is a continuous phase transition. Moreover, we provide experimental evidence that the critical exponents characterizing this transition fall in the universality class of directed percolation. Our study demonstrates how a real-world complex, non-equilibrium turbulent reactive flow system exhibits universal behavior near a critical point.
Fluid Dynamics,Applied Physics