Effective one body multipolar waveform model for spin-aligned, quasi-circular, eccentric, hyperbolic black hole binaries
Alessandro Nagar,Alice Bonino,Piero Rettegno
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.103.104021
Abstract:Building upon recent work, we present an improved effective-one-body (EOB) model for spin-aligned, coalescing, black hole binaries with generic orbital configurations, i.e. quasi-circular, eccentric or hyperbolic orbits. The model relies on the idea of incorporating general Newtonian prefactors, instead of the usual quasi-circular ones, in both radiation reaction and waveform. The major advance with respect to previous work is that the quasi-circular limit of the model is now correctly informed by numerical relativity (NR) quasi-circular simulation. This provides EOB/NR unfaithfulness for the dominant quadrupolar waveform, calculated with Advanced LIGO noise, at most of the order of $1\%$ over a meaningful portion of the quasi-circular NR simulations calculated by the Simulating eXtreme Spacetime (SXS) collaboration. In the presence of eccentricity, the model is similarly NR-faithful, $\lesssim 1\%$, all over the 28 public SXS NR datasets, with initial eccentricity up to $\simeq 0.2$ , mass ratio up to $q=3$ and dimensionless spin magnitudes as large as $+0.7$. Higher multipoles, up to $\ell=5$ are also reliably modeled through the eccentric inspiral, plunge merger and ringdown. For hyperbolic-like configurations, we also show that the EOB computed scattering angle is in excellent agreement with all currently available NR results.
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology