Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of ternary Gd–Co–Al bulk metallic glasses
H. Fu,M. Zou
IF: 6.2
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Abstract:Research highlights ► The Curie temperatures of Gd–Co–Al bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) in the Gd-rich end can be tailored by varying Gd and Co concentration. ► Both the moments of Co calculated from Cruie–Weiss fit and the saturation magnetization at 2 K confirm that Co reserves its moment even when its content in the BMGs is as low as 15%. ► The magnetic entropy changes of the BMGs are greater than 9.0 J/kg K with the field from 0 to 50 kOe field. The relative cooling powers (RCPs) of BMGs are greater than those of any other crystalline compounds and decrease with the increasing of Co content. Abstract Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) with compositions of Gd 55 Co x Al 45− x (15 ≤ x ≤ 30) and Gd 60 Co y Al 40− y (15 ≤ y ≤ 30) were synthesized by an injection casting technique. Temperature dependence of magnetization of the BMGs indicates that their Curie temperatures can be tailored between 96 and 143 K by varying Gd and Co concentration. The magnetic entropy changes of the BMGs are greater than 9.0 J/kg K except for the Gd 55 Co 30 Al 15 glass that exhibits a reduced magnetization due to its large Co content. The relative cooling powers of the BMGs are greater than those of any other crystalline compounds and decrease with the increasing Co content. Keywords Rare earth Bulk metallic glass Magnetocaloric effect 1 Introduction Materials exhibiting magnetocaloric effect (MCE) for magnetic refrigeration applications are one of the hottest topics in the applied physics field in the last decade [1] . The heavy rare earth based BMGs bearing large MCE at different temperatures are promising candidates for magnetic refrigerants [2–4] . Among them, Gd-based amorphous alloys possessing good glass-forming ability (GFA) and relative cooling power (RCP) without any hysteresis loss have attracted special attention. For example, the Gd 52.5 Co 16.5 Al 31 BMG possesses a critical casting diameter of 4 mm, magnetic entropy change of 9.8 J/kg K (upon 0 to 50 kOe field change), and RCP of 9.1 × 10 2 J/kg [5] . To date, the knowledge of how the composition affects the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of ternary Gd–Co–Al BMGs is still absent. Here we present a preliminary investigation on the composition dependence of Curie temperature, Co moment, and magnetocaloric effect at the Gd-rich end of ternary Gd–Co–Al BMGs. Two alloy series with composition of Gd 55 Co x Al 45− x (15 ≤ x ≤ 30) and Gd 60 Co y Al 40− y (15 ≤ y ≤ 30) were selected for the study. The reason is that these alloys exhibited good GFA and formed glass rods with a diameter exceeding 2 mm by an injection casting technique [6,7] . 2 Experimental The Gd 55 Co x Al 45− x (15 ≤ x ≤ 30) and Gd 60 Co y Al 40− y (15 ≤ y ≤ 30) BMGs were synthesized by injection casting. Every Gd−Co–Al master alloy, ∼3 g, with varied nominal composition listed in Table 1 , was prepared by arc-melting pure Al (99.99 wt.%), Co (99.9 wt.%), and Ames Laboratory high purity Gd (99.9 at.%) [8] in a Zr-gettered argon atmosphere. The ingots were repeatedly melted for at least four times to ensure homogeneity. The weight loss of the samples after melting is smaller than 0.1%. The square cuboid-shaped samples with a length of about 30 mm and a cross section side length of 1 mm were formed by injecting the molten metal into copper molds with cavities. The phase purity of the alloy buttons was verified by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) using a PANatytical X’pert Pro diffractometer with a Cu Kα 1 radiation. Long count time of 600 s/step was employed to obtain data with good signal-to-noise ratios. The temperature and field dependencies of magnetization were measured by using a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer, model of MPMS XL-7. 3 Results and discussion Fig. 1 shows the XRD patterns of Gd 55 Co x Al 45− x [10 ≤ x ≤ 30, Fig. 1 (a)] and Gd 60 Co y Al 40− y [15 ≤ y ≤ 30, Fig. 1 (b)] BMGs. The peak at 26.7° is the strongest peak of SiO 2 (PDF2-03-065-0466) mortar contamination due to the superior hardness of the BMGs. The absence of Bragg peaks indicates that the samples are topological disordered within XRD resolution. The temperature dependence of magnetization with a 0.1 kOe applied magnetic field for Gd 55 Co x Al 45− x (15 ≤ x ≤ 30) and Gd 60 Co y Al 40− y (15 ≤ y ≤ 30) glass alloys are shown in Fig. 2 (a) and (b) , respectively. For all the samples, a sharp transition is observed where the magnetization ( M ) exhibits a dramatic upturn upon cooling through the ordering temperature. The Curie–Weiss fit of the data above the ordering temperature is shown in Fig. 2 (c) and (d). The Curie temperatures as well as the paramagnetic Curie points, T C s and θ P s, defined as the temperatures at the maxima of | dM / dT | vs. T and the intercept by extrapolating the linear part of inverse susceptibility at high temperature to abscissa, respectively, are summarized in Table 1 . The positive θ P s indicates that the predominant exchange interaction in the alloys is ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic. The Co content dependence of T C s in the two alloy series is plotted in Fig. 3 . Obviously, T C s increase with the increasing Co content for a specific Gd content, which is due to the strong direct exchange interaction between the Co atoms. The T C s can be fitted into: (1) T C ( Gd 55 ) = 0.0629 x 2 − 0.7143 x + 92.8 (2) T C ( Gd 60 ) = 0.0973 y 2 − 1.8366 y + 110 for the two alloy series. On the other hand, for a specific Co content, the T C increases by ∼10 K when Gd content increases from 55% to 60 at.%, i.e. T C increases with increased Gd content at a rate of ∼2 K per at.%. This increase can be attributed to the higher T C (∼250 K) of amorphous Gd metal [9] . Therefore, the Curie temperature can be tailored via both Gd and Co concentrations for these BMGs. The maximum T C is 143 K in Gd 60 Co 30 Al 10 for the two series. The effective moments per atom ( P eff ) derived from the Curie–Weiss fits are shown in Table 1 . Assuming the effective moment of Gd ( P Gd ) is 7.94 μ B , the effective moment of Co ( P Co ) can be calculated from a weighted average of the form (3) P eff 2 = x P Gd 2 + ( 1 − x ) P Co 2 where x represents the concentration of Gd in the magnetic species [10] . The calculated P Co varies between 3.6 and 4.9 μ B , which is close to 3.87 and 4.90 μ B , calculated from P = 2 S ( S + 1 ) for the free Co 2+ and Co 3+ ions, respectively [11] . Therefore, the Co ions reserve their localized spin moments even at a low Co content as 15 at.%. Magnetization isotherms of Gd 55 Co 15 Al 30 glass measured at temperatures between 2 and 180 K with applied fields between 0 and 50 kOe are shown in Fig. 4 . The magnetic hysteresis is negligible at all measured temperatures. The magnetization measured at 2 K is easy to saturate when the applied field is greater than 10 kOe. This feature indicates that Gd 55 Co 15 Al 30 glass orders ferromagnetically or ferrimagnetically with a collinear structure. Extrapolating the 2 K magnetization to 1/ H = 0 results in a saturation magnetization ( M s ) of 406.5 μ B /f.u. Assuming that the magnetic moment per Gd atom is 7.55 μ B [12] , the average magnetic moment per Co atom is evaluated as −0.6 μ B , which is smaller than that in the Co metal (∼1.7 μ B ). This discrepancy is possibly due to the charge transfer from Gd and/or Al [13] . The saturation magnetizations and moments of Co ions at 2 K for other alloys evaluated by the same method are listed in Table 1 . The minus sign indicates the antiparallel alignment between the Gd and Co moments. Therefore, these ternary Gd–Co–Al glasses are likely collinearly ferrimagnetic. Fig. 5 shows the temperature dependence of magnetic entropy changes calculated using the Maxwell relation for the two alloy series. The maxima of magnetic entropy changes (−Δ S Mmax ) are summarized in Table 1 . All the magnetic entropy changes are greater than 9.0 J/kg K for Δ H = 50 kOe except for the Gd 55 Co 30 Al 15 glass. According to the Maxwell relation, the magnetic entropy change depends on the magnetization ( M ) and its changing rate with temperature, ∂ M / ∂ T . Therefore, the lowest magnetization of Gd 55 Co 30 Al 15 glass due to the increasing of Co content is responsible for its lowest magnetic entropy change in these series. At temperatures near 100 K, there are two types of magnetic refrigerants [14] . The first type is the crystalline compounds exhibiting first order magnetic transition (FOMT) and giant magnetic entropy changes. For example, the magnetic entropy changes of HoCo 2 and Gd 5 SiGe 3 are 19.7 and 48.8 J/kg K for Δ H = 50 kOe, respectively [14] . The second type is the crystalline compounds having second order magnetic transition (SOMT) such as GdCoAl whose magnetic entropy change is 10.4 J/kg K [15] . Although the magnetic entropy changes of the BMGs in Table 1 are smaller than those with FOMT, they are comparable with those of compounds with SOMT. It is worth noting that the BMGs have the advantage of no thermal or magnetic hysteresis over the compounds with FOMT. The novel features of the BMGs are the large full width at half maximum ( δ FWHM ) of the magnetic entropy change curves (see Fig. 5 and Table 1 ) and the resulting large RCP [16] . All the δ FWHM s are greater than 80 K, which is larger than those of any other crystalline magnetic refrigerants. For example, the δ FWHM s for MnFeP 0.45 As 0.55 [17] , Gd 5 Si 2 Ge 2 [18] , La(Fe 0.88 Si 0.12 ) 13 [19] , MnAs [20] , and Gd [17] are 24, 36, 23, 16, and 55 K, respectively. Near 100 K, GdCoAl possesses the largest δ FWHM , 70 K, among the crystalline compounds [15] . However, its δ FWHM and RCP are smaller than those of the BMGs shown in Table 1 . Furthermore, it can be seen from Table 1 that the δ FWHM s and RCPs decrease with the increasing of Co concentration except for the Gd 55 Co 30 Al 15 glass. The increase of RCP for the Gd 55 Co 30 Al 15 glass is due to the abnormal increase of δ FWHM due to the decrease in the magnetic entropy change. The large δ FWHM s and RCPs of the BMGs are a result of the distribution of the exchange interactions due to the different exchange integral at different sites with variational distance and bond angle in the topologically disordered structure [21] . Therefore, even far below the measured T C , some pairs of spins with a lower exchange integral reach their own transition temperatures and align to the magnetic field. 4 Conclusions The Curie temperatures of Gd-rich Gd–Co–Al BMGs were found to increase with the increasing of Gd and/or Co concentration. The effective moments of Co calculated from Cruie–Weiss fit are close to that of free Co ion, which confirms Co reserves its moment even when its content in the BMGs is as low as 15%. The Gd–Co–Al BMGs are ferrimagnetic and the moment of Co determined from the saturation magnetization at 2 K is about 0.6 μ B for all investigated alloys assuming the Gd moment is 7.55 μ B . The magnetic entropy changes of the BMGs are greater than 9.0 J/kg K except for Gd 55 Co 30 Al 15 glass with reduced magnetization due to a high Co concentration. The RCPs of BMGs are greater than those of any other crystalline compounds and decrease with the increasing of Co content. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 50901013 ). Work at the Ames Laboratory was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11358 with Iowa State University of Science and Technology. We acknowledge Drs. K.A. Gshneidner, Jr. and V.K. Pecharsky for their support in sample preparation and characterization. References [1] V.K. Pecharsky K.A. Gschneidner Phys. Rev. Lett. 78 1997 4494 [2] W.H. Wang Adv. Mater. 21 2009 4524 4544 [3] Q. Luo D.Q. Zhao M.X. Pan W.H. Wang Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 2006 081914 [4] Q. Luo W.H. Wang J. Non-Cryst. 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