Two-dimensional Artificial Skyrmion Crystals Stabilized by Nano-Patterning
Minami Yoda,Jean‐Luc Garden,Olivier Bourgeois,Aeraj Haque,Aloke Kumar,Hans Deyhle,Simone Hieber,Bert Müller,Mary Cano‐Sarabia,Daniel Maspoch,Константин Соболев,Florence Sanchez,Esmaiel Jabbari,J. Tanner Nevill,Daniele Malleo,Peter Bøggild,Wei Chen,Chunlei Wang,Bharat Bhushan,Manuel L. B. Palacio,Shrikant C. Nagpure,Bharat Bhushan,Mónica Lira‐Cantú,Irene Gonzalez‐Valls,Bharat Bhushan,Rustom B. Bhiladvala,Nastassja A. Lewinski,Matthew Wright,Paola Martino,Paolo Allia,Alessandro Chiolerio,Jason P. Gleghorn,Celeste M. Nelson,Emiliano Descrovi,Mirko Ballarini,Francesca Frascella,Daniel Neuhauser,Christopher Arntsen,Kenneth A. Lopata,Lixin Dong,Xinyong Tao,Zheng Fan,Li Zhang,Xiaobin Zhang,Bradley J. Nelson,Soichiro Tsuda,Sylvain Martel,Didi Xu,Li Zhang,Lixin Dong,Bradley J. Nelson,Timothy J. Merkel,Joseph M. DeSimone,Lucio Colombi Ciacchi,Susan Köppen,Michael Nosonovsky,Dongchan Jang,Jason Li,Steve To,Lidan You,Yu Sun,Lorenzo Lunelli,Cristina Potrich,Laura Pasquardini,Cecilia Pederzolli,Mariangela Lombardi,Mi Zhou,Jian He,Luca Boarino,Giampiero Amato,Ille C. Gebeshuber,David W. Lee,S. Bianco,Angelica Chiodoni,Claudio Gerbaldi,Marzia Quaglio,Andréa Toma,Remo Proietti Zaccaria,Roman Krahne,Alessandro Alabastri,Maria Laura Coluccio,Gobind Das,Carlo Liberale,Francesco De Angelis,Marco Francardi,Federico Mecarini,Francesco Gentile,Angelo Accardo,Liberato Manna,E. Di Fabrizio,Paola Rivolo,Bharat Bhushan,Kuo-Sheng Ma,Lu Dai,Yongfen Qi,Lixin Jia,Wei Yu,Jie Du,Bharat Bhushan,Satish C. Chaparala,Vikram Bhatia,Nipun Sinha,Matteo Rinaldi,V. Sai Muthukumar,Ramakrishna Podila,Benoy Anand,S. Siva Sankara Sai,K. Venkataramaniah,Reji Philip,Apparao M. Rao
Abstract:The skyrmion crystal is a new material of current interest. It carries a topological charge and a Berry phase in real space and is anticipated to produce unconventional spin-electronic phenomena, such as the topological Hall effect and to exhibit spectacular dynamic properties. Technologically, skyrmion crystal may be exploited as a new class of spintronic material due to its unusual response to an electric charge current and spin current. A skyrmion crystal typically arises from helical spin structures induced by the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya (DM) interaction. Experimentally, what has impeded its property exploration is that it is only to be found in few systems and within a narrow temperature and magnetic field range. In this talk, we present a practical design of a 2D skyrmion crystal, which completely by-passing the need for strong (or, indeed, any) DM interaction. The methodology is demonstrated with micromagnetic simulations and the computed skyrmion number per unit cell. The created skyrmion crystal has a robost working regime including room temperature, much broader than that for DM-driven skyrmion crystals. The method can dramatically widen the scope of the properties exploration and practical applications of the skyrmion crystal. In addition, from a more general point of view, previous experimental and theoretical studies of systems with DM interactions have already shown amply that the DM interaction is not sufficient for the spontaneous formation of a skyrmion crystal all by itself, since many systems with DM interaction do not display skyrmion-crystal self-assembly. Our method demonstrates that the DM interaction is not necessary either.