Workshop on Representation Theory of Algebra and Homological Algebras
Jianlong Chen
Abstract:Moore-Penrose inverses, group inverses and core inverses over semigroups and rings Jianlong Chen School of Mathematics, Southeast University Abstract:In this talk, we will present some recent results in Moore-Penrose inverses,group inverses and core inverses over semigroups and rings. Some characterizations and representations of Moore-Penrose inverses, group inverses and core inverses are given.In this talk, we will present some recent results in Moore-Penrose inverses,group inverses and core inverses over semigroups and rings. Some characterizations and representations of Moore-Penrose inverses, group inverses and core inverses are given. Cotorsion pairs and Gorenstein dimensions for complexes Nanqing Ding Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University Abstract: In this paper, we define the notion of Gorenstein B dimensions for complexes by applying the model structure induced by a complete hereditary cotorsion pair (A, B) in ModR. Characterizations of the finiteness of Gorenstein B dimensions for complexes are given. As an application, we get a new model structure in ModR. Moreover, we give some necessary and sufficient conditions for the validity of the Finitistic Dimension Conjecture. Finally, the relationships between Gorenstein B dimensions and B dimensions for complexes are studied. In this paper, we define the notion of Gorenstein B dimensions for complexes by applying the model structure induced by a complete hereditary cotorsion pair (A, B) in ModR. Characterizations of the finiteness of Gorenstein B dimensions for complexes are given. As an application, we get a new model structure in ModR. Moreover, we give some necessary and sufficient conditions for the validity of the Finitistic Dimension Conjecture. Finally, the relationships between Gorenstein B dimensions and B dimensions for complexes are studied. A functorial approach to Cohen-Macaulay Auslander Algebras Nan Gao Department of Mathematics, Shanghai University Abstract: Given a finite-dimensional algebra Λ of finite Cohen-Macaulay type. We provide two different ways to construct its Cohen-Macaulay Auslander Algebra A(GprojΛ) by the way of recollements of abelian categories. Suppose that Λ is of finite representation type and B is its Auslander algebra. Based on above construction, we show that there exists a finite-dimensional quasi-hereditary algebra Γ such that there are algebraic isomorphisms A(GprojΛ) ∼= eΓe and B ∼= EndΓ(T ), where e is an idempotent of Γ and T is a classical tilting Γ-module Given a finite-dimensional algebra Λ of finite Cohen-Macaulay type. We provide two different ways to construct its Cohen-Macaulay Auslander Algebra A(GprojΛ) by the way of recollements of abelian categories. Suppose that Λ is of finite representation type and B is its Auslander algebra. Based on above construction, we show that there exists a finite-dimensional quasi-hereditary algebra Γ such that there are algebraic isomorphisms A(GprojΛ) ∼= eΓe and B ∼= EndΓ(T ), where e is an idempotent of Γ and T is a classical tilting Γ-module