Contractive Hilbert modules on quotient domains
Shibananda Biswas,Gargi Ghosh,E. K. Narayanan,Subrata Shyam Roy
Abstract:Let the complex reflection group $G(m,p,n)$ act on the unit polydisc $\mathbb D^n$ in $\mathbb C^n.$ A $\boldsymbol\Theta_n$-contraction is a commuting tuple of operators on a Hilbert space having $$\overline{\boldsymbol\Theta}_n:=\{\boldsymbol\theta(z)=(\theta_1(z),\ldots,\theta_n(z)):z\in\overline{\mathbb D}^n\}$$ as a spectral set, where $\{\theta_i\}_{i=1}^n$ is a homogeneous system of parameters associated to $G(m,p,n).$ A plethora of examples of $\boldsymbol\Theta_n$-contractions is exhibited. Under a mild hypothesis, it is shown that these $\boldsymbol\Theta_n$-contractions are mutually unitarily inequivalent. These inequivalence results are obtained concretely for the weighted Bergman modules under the action of the permutation groups and the dihedral groups. The division problem is shown to have negative answers for the Hardy module and the Bergman module on the bidisc. A Beurling-Lax-Halmos type representation for the invariant subspaces of $\boldsymbol\Theta_n$-isometries is obtained.
Functional Analysis