Factors Influencing Life Satisfaction in Elderly Living Alone

Moonsoo Hyun,김다혜
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5392/JKCA.2018.18.01.044
Abstract:The main goal of this study was to investigate the factors influencing the life satisfaction of elderly individuals living alone. We analyzed the data obtained in 2016 through “Survey on Residents’Quality of Life in Gyeonggi Province”, performing stepwise multiple regression on 824 cases. The results were as follows: First, age, income, and education had a significant impact on life satisfaction, while sex, marital status, and employment had no influence on life satisfaction. Second, as individual-level factors, self-rated health, exercise, and participation in religious activities and social associations had a significant and positive impact on life satisfaction. Third, the results showed that both helping others in neighborhood and trusting people in the neighborhood, between-person factors, positively influenced their subjective quality of life, but receiving help from the neighborhood did not significantly affect life satisfaction. Fourth, satisfaction with cultural facilities, one of the physical environmental factors, was associated with life satisfaction. These results suggest that multi-level factors influencing life satisfaction should be considered to enhance the quality of life of elderly individuals. In particular, they suggest that when planning measures, it is necessary to consider built-environments for the elderly. ■ keyword :∣Elderly Living Alone∣Life Satisfaction∣Multi-level Factors∣ * 이 논문은 정부재원(교육부 BK21플러스 사업비)으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 연구되었습니다. (No. 21B20151213037) 접수일자 : 2017년 09월 05일 수정일자 : 2017년 10월 18일 심사완료일 : 2017년 10월 18일 교신저자 : 문지현, e-mail : twinmjh@naver.com 독거노인의 삶의 만족도 영향요인 탐색 연구 45
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