Present Status of SU(5) Based Grand Unification

D. Nanopoulos
Abstract:(GUTs), theories that unify weak , electromagnetic and strong interactions, seem to be another natural step towards the theory of everything (TOE) . The phenomenal successes of quantum electrodynamics (QED), of quantum electroweak dynamics (QEWD) and of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) describing, respectively, electromagnetic , electroweak and strong interactions strongly indicate that gauge theories are the correct framework to describe elementary particles and their interactions . In particular, the outstanding achievement of the electroweak unification5 ·6 has raised great hopes for the next step-grand unification. While ordinary GUTs have been successful in certain areas, they seem to be plagued by insurmountable problems. The gauge hierarchy problem, how to separate the electroweak scale ( 100 GeV) from the GUT scale (10 15 GeV) , is the arch-problem .7 It is remarkable that a possible satisfactory solution to this problem is provided by supersymmetry (SUSY), which is needed for other reasons as well. 9 It seems almost unavoidable that if we want to have grand unification , we had better have supersymmetric GUTs, 111 which after all are most welcome since they eventually provide a real unification in two respects: (i) automatic unifications with gravity and
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