Equilibrium States of Endomorphisms of : Spectral Stability and Limit Theorems
Bianchi, Fabrizio
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00039-024-00678-7
Geometric and Functional Analysis
Abstract:We establish the existence of a spectral gap for the transfer operator induced on by a generic holomorphic endomorphism and a suitable continuous weight and its perturbations on various functional spaces, which is new even in dimension one. Thanks to the spectral gap, we establish an exponential speed of convergence for the equidistribution of the backward orbits of points towards the conformal measure and the exponential mixing. Moreover, as an immediate consequence, we obtain a full list of statistical properties for the equilibrium states: CLT, Berry-Esseen Theorem, local CLT, ASIP, LIL, LDP, almost sure CLT. Many of these properties are new even in dimension one, some even in the case of zero weight function (i.e., for the measure of maximal entropy).