Orbits of the hyperoctahedral group as Euclidean designs
Bela Bajnok
Abstract:The hyperoctahedral group $H$ in $n$ dimensions (the Weyl group of Lie type $B_n$) is the subgroup of the orthogonal group generated by all transpositions of coordinates and reflections with respect to coordinate hyperplanes. A finite set ${\cal X} \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ with a weight function $w: {\cal X} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^+$ is called a Euclidean $t$-design, if $$\sum_{r \in R} W_r \overline{f}_{S_{r}} = \sum_{{\bf x} \in {\cal X}} w({\bf x}) f({\bf x})$$ holds for every polynomial $f$ of total degree at most $t$; here $R$ is the set of norms of the points in ${\cal X}$, $W_r$ is the total weight of all elements of ${\cal X}$ with norm $r$, $S_r$ is the $n$-dimensional sphere of radius $r$ centered at the origin, and $\overline{f}_{S_{r}}$ is the average of $f$ over $S_{r}$.
Here we consider Euclidean designs which are supported by orbits of the hyperoctahedral group. Namely, we prove that any Euclidean design on a union of generalized hyperoctahedra has strength (maximum $t$ for which it is a Euclidean design) equal to 3, 5, or 7. We find explicit necessary and sufficient conditions for when this strength is 5 and for when it is 7. In order to establish our classification, we translate the above definition of Euclidean designs to a single equation for $t=5$, a set of three equations for $t=7$, and a set of seven equations for $t=9$.
Neumaier and Seidel (1988), as well as Delsarte and Seidel (1989), proved a Fisher-type inequality $|{\cal X}| \geq N(n,p,t)$ for the minimum size of a Euclidean $t$-design in $\mathbb{R}^n$ on $p=|R|$ concentric spheres (assuming that the design is antipodal if $t$ is odd). A Euclidean design with exactly $N(n,p,t)$ points is called tight. We exhibit new examples of antipodal tight Euclidean designs, supported by orbits of the hyperoctahedral group, for $N(n,p,t)=$(3,2,5), (3,3,7), and (4,2,7).