A psychrophilic crenarchaeon inhabits amarinesponge: Cenarchaeumsymbiosumgen.nov., sp.nov. (Archaea/Crenarchaeota/evolution/symbiosis/Porifera)

C. Preston
Abstract:Archaea, oneofthethree majordomains of extant life, wasthought tocomprise predominantly microor- ganisms thatinhabit extreme environments, inhospitable to mostEucarya andBacteria. However, molecular phylogenetic surveys ofnative microbial assemblages arebeginning to indicate thattheevolutionary andphysiological diversity of Archaea isfargreater thanpreviously supposed. We report herethediscovery andpreliminary characterization ofa marine archaeon that inhabits thetissues ofatemperate water sponge. Theassociation wasspecific, withasingle crenar- chaeal phylotype inhabiting asingle sponge hostspecies. To ourknowledge, this partnership represents thefirst described symbiosis involving Crenarchaeota. Thesymbiotic archaeon growswellattemperatures of10°C, over60°Cbelowthe growthtemperature optimumofanycultivated species of Crenarchaeota. Archaea havebeengenerally characterized as microorganisms thatinhabit relatively circumscribed niches, largely high-temperature anaerobic environments. Incon- trast, datafrommolecular phylogenetic surveys, including this report, suggest thatsomecrenarchaeotes havediversified considerably andarefoundinawidevariety oflifestyles and habitats. We present heretheidentification andinitial de- scription ofCenarchaeum symbiosum gen.nov., sp.nov., a symbiotic archaeon closely related toother nonthermophilic crenarchaeotes thatinhabit diverse marineandterrestrial environments. Phylogenetic comparisons ofuniversal, highly conserved mac- romolecular features ofdiverse biota haveresulted infunda- mental conceptual changes inevolutionary biology. Inpartic- ular, therecentelucidation ofevolutionary relationships amongdisparate life formshasrevealed thatprokaryotes (defined asmicroorganisms lacking amembrane-bound nu- cleus) consist oftwoevolutionarily distinct lineages (1-4). Current datasuggest thatcontemporary life onEarthhas diverged into three major phylogenetic lineages (1-5), desig- nated domains (5), twoofwhich areprokaryotic (Bacteria and Archaea) andoneofwhich iseukaryotic (Eucarya). Archaea, themostrecently recognized ofthedomains, contains culti- vated members that spanafairly limited range ofphenotypes, represented byextreme halophiles, sulfur-metabolizing ther-
Environmental Science,Biology
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