Sedimentary Feature and Correlation of Hominoid Fossil Stratigraphy of Xiaohe Basin, Yuanmou,Yunnan
ZHANG Yun-xiang,QIU Zhan-xiang,ZHENG Liang,ZHANG Jia-hua,Jiang Chu
Abstract:Hominoid evolution is an important research subject. Since 1986, a skull, lower jaws and a thousand teeth of hominoid have been found in Late Miocene in X iaohe basin, Yuanmou County, Yunnan. These significant discoveries arouse a grea t attentions of anthropologists, paleontologists, geologists and archaeologists , and multidisciplinary research have acquired a lot of advances.
Xiaohe basin, located about 30 km to the NNW of Yuanmou County, Yunnan, Southwe st China, is a small depression basin with 3.5 km in length and 1.5 km in wid th. The sediments in this basin is composed of brown-red silt clay, siltstone, yellow sandy conglomerates, which contain well-developed lenticuly bodies and ab u ndant Hominoid and other mammalian fossils, named as Xiaohe Formation. The thick ness is 77 m at the Baozidongqing. The depositional environments of the Xiaohe Formation have been regarded as fluvial facies. Actually, a lot of evidences sugg est that sediments are deposited by the density flow, while the fossiliferous bed is braided river facies, especially point bar. There were a lot of different views of correlation about Hudieliangzi, Fangbeiliangzi and Baozidongqing section s in Xiaohe basin based on altitude level of sections now. During the fieldwor k from 1998-1999, we used GPS and level to decide all localities of fossil and section at 1:5000 relief map in Xiaohe basin found before. Used yellow sandy cong lomerate beds as an index, the section of Hudieliangzi and Fangbeiliangzi are co rrelated with the middle and lower part of the Baozidongqing section, absent the upper part of Baozidongqing section because of erosion by fluvial lately.
Abundant mammalian fossils found in Xiaohe basin except Hominoid are Adcrocuta , Eomillivora, Ictitherium, Indarctor, Thalassictis, Metailurus, Ailurarotos, Go mphotherium, Sinomastodon, Stegolophodon, Acerorhinus, Shansirhinus, Hipparion, Chalicotherium, Tapirus, Hyotherium, Yunnanochaeurs, Dorcabune Moschus et al., this fauna is similar to that of the Lufeng Hipparion fauna, of which geologica l age is consider as Late Miocene. In Xiaohe Hominoid fauna there are some repr esentative elements of Baodeian in North China, such as Eomillivora, Adcrocuta et al., the geological record of these fossils is Late Miocene up to now. The geological age of Baodelian in China is equal to Turolian in Europe and its age is 5.3~8 Ma.Based on Mammalian fossil assemblage and paleomagnetic analysis, the Xiaohe Formation deposited in the Late Miocene, about 7.3~8.2 Ma.