Steering Wheel Design based on Holding and Driving Style of a Car Driver and Its Application for the Cognitive Modeling

T. Imamura
Abstract:The vehicles and motor cycles were developed in 19th century, and the functions of vehicle have big changed according to the diffusions to public use. In the vehicle system, the shape of steering wheel is circular shape and it has not so changed with its basic function of driving control interface. However, the driving environment and situation have accomplished the drastic transformation in 20th century; especially the driving tasks for a driver have become highly-advanced. Therefore, driving operation must be done with so many processing for the information around the driving environment. From these reasons, the driver supporting system has researched and developed in the fields of automotive engineering, and also its importance has increased. On the other hand, the steering wheel is special driving interface, because drivers will always grabbing with inevitability during there driving operation. From the viewpoint of human operation by the hand, it is assumed that the driver’s skills, intentions and psychological information also include their handing behaviors. And the sensing for these information will be done easily by using the sensors set into the steering wheel. Moreover, it has the possibility for realization of suitable driver–vehicle interaction with high quality information for intuitive driving. This research is aimed at evolutionary design for steering wheel as a vehicle driving interface oriented to the driver-vehicle interaction. In this research, we construct the database including the driver’s holding/grabbing style and one’s operational information for steering wheel. And we propose the psychological model about the driver’s cognition and driving operation based on the database. 1. 研究目的 多発する自動車事故原因の大半は,ドライバの認 知・判断ミスである.そのため事故防止策として, 特に居眠り・よそ見・ぼんやり運転の低減を目的とし た警報機器などが市販化されている.しかし本質的 な支援・予防安全対策とは,高確度・先見的に居眠 り・ぼんやりを検出することであり,そのためには, ドライバから直接生体情報を検出して早期判定・推 定精度の向上に寄与することが不可欠である. 一方で,直接計測型生体センサは,装着の手間・ 拘束性・侵襲性等の問題と,乗・降車時の装着・取 外しによる装着ミス・未装着が生じる問題がある. したがって,皮膚が確実に接触する車内機器からの 検出が望ましいといえる. そこで本研究では,ドライバのハンドル把持・操 作行動に着目し,これを検出する手法の検討,およ びその結果にもとづくハンドルデザインへの応用を 検討する.具体的には,ハンドルの把持行動の基礎 調査を行った上で,内蔵したセンサ群を選択的・効 率的に利用した低侵襲ハンドルセンサアレイを提 案・実装する. これらを実現するために,以下のような細分化テ ーマを設定した. 1 本システムでは把持位置や生体情報を検出す るハンドル内蔵複合型センサ群(アレイ)の 設計・実装 2 個人や操作状況・運転環境に応じたドライバ のハンドル把持姿勢データベースの構築 3 操作行動に着目したドライバの認知行動ある いは環境適応能力を推定するシステムの検討 これらを個々に実現し統合することにより選択 的かつ効率的な生体検出センサの利用を実現し,
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