Mathematical Approach to Synergistic Management of Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis and Vulvodynia: A Case Series Utilizing Principal Component Analysis, Cluster Analysis, and Combination Laser Therapy
Nobuo Okui,Machiko A Okui
Abstract:This case series presents three patients with bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis (BPS/IC) and vulvodynia, demonstrating the efficacy of an individualized treatment approach using cluster analysis and combination laser therapy. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to visualize the dynamic nature of symptom clusters and guide treatment decisions. Case 1 was a 41-year-old woman initially classified as Cluster 1 (PCA coordinates: 1.65, 0.03) transitioned to Cluster 2 (-16.93, -21.75) after bladder hydrodistension. Subsequent Fotona laser (Ljubljana, Slovenia) treatment resulted in the complete resolution of symptoms. Case 2 was a 55-year-old woman, contraindicated for hormone therapy due to breast cancer history, presented as Cluster 2 (PCA coordinates: -24.16, 8.74). Fotona laser treatment shifted her to Cluster 1 (11.22, -20.22), followed by bladder hydrodistension for complete cure. Case 3 was a 49-year-old woman, initially in Cluster 0 (PCA coordinates: 1.892, 30.11), who underwent fulguration for Hunner's lesions. Posttreatment, she moved to Cluster 2 (-24.31, 1.767) and achieved full recovery after Fotona laser therapy. The dynamic nature of symptom clusters, visualized through PCA, guided treatment decisions. The PCA transformation, represented as y =WTz, where z is the standardized symptom vector and W is the principal component matrix, allows for the objective tracking of symptom changes. Combination Fotona laser therapy, including vaginal erbium YAG and neodymium YAG, has proven effective in managing vulvar pain, particularly when hormone therapy is contraindicated. This approach, addressing both urological and gynecological aspects, resulted in sustained symptom improvement for over 12 months in all cases. This case series highlights the synergistic relationship between BPS/IC and vulvodynia, demonstrating the efficacy of comprehensive, adaptive treatment strategies guided by mathematical analysis for complex pelvic pain syndromes.