Feed allowance-genotype interactions in broiler breeder hens
V Bruggeman,O Onagbesan,O Ragot,S Metayer,S Cassy,F Favreau,Y Jego,J J Trevidy,K Tona,J Williams,E Decuypere,M Picard
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/ps/84.2.298
Abstract:Ad libitum feeding reduces livability and reproductive fitness in broiler breeder hens. Two genotypes, a standard (S) and an experimental dwarf broiler breeder (E), were fed ad libitum (SA and EA, respectively), restricted at 55% of ad libitum feed intake (intermediate restriction) from 6 to 15 wk of age (SI and EI, respectively), or restricted (SR and ER, respectively) to match a standard growth curve with a diluted mash feed (2,400 kcal/kg). The experiment was repeated at 2 locations (experiment 1 = 672 hens in pens from 0 to 40 wk; experiment 2 = 420 hens in pens and cages from 0 to 53 wk). Feed restriction reduced adult BW by 20% compared with ad libitum feeding, delayed sexual maturity by 2 to 4 wk, and improved livability. Hens fed the intermediate diet immediately compensated after 15 wk of age to reach BW, sexual maturity, and livability close to those of ad libitum-fed hens. The E genotype exhibited better tolerance to ad libitum feeding than the S genotype in all measured aspects. Average laying rate during the first 24 wk of lay was 66.4, 77.4, 69.9, 47.2, 57.9, and 72.4% for EA, EI, ER, SA, SI, and SR respectively in experiment 2. Egg abnormalities (double yolk, shell problems) decreased after the peak of lay but remained consistently higher for S compared with E, and for ad libitum and intermediate diets compared with the restricted diet. Yolk deposition rate was measured by a double dye technique. Duration of yolk rapid growth was 8.8 d in E and 9.3 d in S hens (P < 0.001), but this difference did not explain the observed variations in laying rate. The potential to increase feed allowances even with a diluted diet in broiler breeder hens requires adapted genotypes.