First report on regression-based QSAR addressing pesticide dissipation half-life in plants: A step towards sustainable public health

Ankur Kumar,Probir Kumar Ojha,Kunal Roy
Abstract:The excessive use of pesticides (an important group of chemicals) in the agricultural as well as public sectors raises a health concern. Pesticides affect humans and other living organisms via the food chain. Therefore, it is very necessary to calculate the dissipation half-life of pesticides in plants. Experimental prediction of pesticide dissipation half-lives requires complex environmental conditions, high cost, and a long time. Thus, in-silico half-life predictions are suitable and the best alternative. Herein, a total of six PLS (partial least squares) models namely, M1 (overall), M2 (fruit), M3 (plant interior), M4 (leaf), M5 (plant surface), and M6 (whole plant) alongside two MLR (multiple linear regression) models i.e. M7 (fruit surface) and model M8 (straw) were generated using dissipation half-lives (log10(T1/2)) of pesticides in plants and their different parts. Models were constructed in strict accordance with the guidelines outlined by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and extensively validated using globally accepted validation metrics (determination coefficient (R2) = 0.610-0.795, leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validated correlation coefficient (Q2LOO) = 0.520-0.660, MAE-FITTED TRAIN (mean absolute error fitted train) = 0.119-0.148, MAE-LOOTRAIN = 0.132-0.177, predictive R2 or Q2F1 = 0.538-0.567, Q2F2 = 0.500-0.565, MAETEST = 0.122-0.232), confirming their accuracy, reliability, predictivity, and robustness. Lipophilicity, the presence of a cyclomatic ring, suphur, aromatic amine fragments, and chlorine atom fragments are responsible (+ve contribution) for high dissipation half-lives of pesticides in plants. In contrast, hydrophilicity, pyrazine fragments, and rotatable bonds reduce (-ve negative contribution) the dissipation half-lives of pesticides in plants. To address the real-world applicability, the models were employed to screen the PPDB (Pesticide Properties Database) database, which revealed the top 10 pesticides with the highest log(T1/2) in the whole plant and respective parts of the plant body. The present work will aid in developing safer and novel pesticides, regulatory risk assessment, various risk assessments for the sustenance of public health, screening of databases, and data-gap filling.
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