Livestock associated Staphylococcus aureus in cystic fibrosis patients in Spain: Detection of MRSA and MSSA CC398
Paula Eguizábal,Ana Isabel López-Calleja,Antonina Arias,Irene Antoñanzas-Torres,Allelen Campaña-Burguet,Carmen González-Azcona,Agustí Martínez,Carlos Martin-de Vicente,Inés Herrero,Antonio Rezusta,Carmen Torres,Carmen Lozano
Abstract:Purpose: Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most prevalent pathogens in cystic fibrosis (CF), being of special relevance those methicillin-resistant (MRSA). The livestock-associated (LA)-MRSA lineage CC398 is an emerging problem, specially related to pig-farming (PF) environments. The objective was to characterize the S. aureus isolates recovered from CF-patients in a Spanish hospital located in a region with high-PF activity. Methods: Forty-two isolates were obtained (January-October/2022) and characterised (one/patient). The antimicrobial resistance phenotype/genotype was evaluated by Microscan/PCR. The presence of virulence and Immune Evasion Cluster (IEC) genes as well as the agr type was determined by PCR. MLST and spa-typing were studied by PCR-sequencing. Results: Nine of the 42 isolates were MRSA (21.4 %), and 8 of them multidrug resistant (MDR). Among MRSA, 6 spa-types were detected, assigned to CC1, CC5, CC8, CC30, and CC398. Four MRSA isolates belonged to the lineage CC398-t011-IEC negative (animal adapted-clade, LA-MRSA). The remaining 33 isolates were methicillin-susceptible (MSSA), of 26 spa-types and associated with 11 CCs (predominant: CC5, CC30, and CC398). Seven MSSA isolates were of the lineage CC398 (spa-types t034, t108, t571, t20352); four of them were IEC-positive and erm(T)-positive (t571, and t20352, human-adapted CC398 clade), being IEC-negative the remaining three. The tst and eta/etb genes were identified in 12 and 2 isolates, respectively (none CC398). Small-colony-variants were demonstrated in 9 isolates (two CC398, both MDR). Conclusion: The lineage CC398 was very frequent among CF-patients (26.2 %), both among MSSA and MRSA. The emergence of LA-MRSA-CC398 in CF-patients requires monitorization, especially in hospitals of high-PF-regions.