Hypersensitivity vs. uncommonly severe local envenoming by the red-back spider, Latrodectus hasselti Thorell, 1870 (Araneae: Theridiidae)

Scott A Weinstein
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.toxicon.2024.108077
IF: 3.035
Abstract:The genus Latrodectus (Araneae: Theridiidae) consists of 35 widow spider species with global distribution. Envenoming by medically important species, latrodectism, commonly features bite site erythema and diaphoresis, variably severe pain that may be persistent, myalgia/cramping and/or myoclonus, autonomic symptoms, abdominal distress; severe envenoming can be prolonged and include serious effects such as oliguria, hypertension and, rarely, myocarditis/myocardial injury. Red-back spiders (Latrodectus hasselti) are the most common cause of envenoming in Australia and can cause the spectrum of effects noted for other medically important widow spiders. A 34-yr-old woman with a history of previous L. hasselti envenoming and treatment with antivenom was envenomed in her left ankle by a verified L. hasselti (hiding in her boot) while attending an appointment with her primary care physician. She reported some of the common effects of latrodectism including severe, prolonged pain, bite site diaphoresis, and malaise; however, she also developed marked edema that involved the entire left foot. She also exhibited mild hypertension and autonomic/non-specific effects limited to nausea, headache, and anxiety. She was effectively treated with red-back spider antivenom (a total of 4 ampoules) and supportive care; full resolution of the edema required almost 5 days. The uncommon clinical evolution of L. hasselti local envenoming observed in this patient may have been caused by a mixed picture of venom-induced effects and Type I hypersensitivity, but alternatively could be a rare, solely venom-induced manifestation. While provision of patient-centred care for anyone envenomed by Latrodectus spp. requires careful history collection and assessment of comorbidities, differentiation of atopic and direct venom effects may be challenging in some envenomed patients with established complex allergy history.
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