Transcriptome- and proteome-wide association studies identify genes associated with renal cell carcinoma

Diptavo Dutta,Xinyu Guo,Timothy D Winter,Om Jahagirdar,Renal Cancer Genetics Consortium,Eunji Ha,Katalin Susztak,Mitchell J Machiela,Stephen J Chanock,Mark P Purdue,Bryan R Gorman,Timothy Winter,Dayne Okuhara,Sara Cleland,Aida Ferreiro-Iglesias,Paul Scheet,Aoxing Liu,Chao Wu,Samuel O Antwi,James Larkin,Stênio C Zequi,Maxine Sun,Keiko Hikino,Ali Hajiran,Keith A Lawson,Flavio Cárcano,Odile Blanchet,Brian Shuch,Kenneth G Nepple,Gaëlle Margue,Debasish Sundi,W Ryan Diver,Maria A A K Folgueira,Adrie van Bokhoven,Florencia Neffa,Kevin M Brown,Jonathan N Hofmann,Jongeun Rhee,Meredith Yeager,Nathan R Cole,Belynda D Hicks,Michelle R Manning,Amy A Hutchinson,Nathaniel Rothman,Wen-Yi Huang,W Marston Linehan,Adriana Lori,Matthieu Ferragu,Merzouka Zidane-Marinnes,Sérgio Serrano,Wesley J Magnabosco,BioBank Japan Project Consortium,Ana Vilas,Ricardo Decia,Florencia Carusso,Laura S Graham,Kyra Anderson,Mehmet A Bilen,Cletus Arciero,Isabelle Pellegrin,Solène Ricard,FinnGen,Ghislaine Scelo,Rosamonde E Banks,Naveen S Vasudev,Naeem Soomro,Grant D Stewart,Adebanji Adeyoju,Stephen Bromage,David Hrouda,Norma Gibbons,Poulam Patel,Mark Sullivan,Andrew Protheroe,Francesca I Nugent,Michelle J Fournier,Xiaoyu Zhang,Lisa J Martin,Maria Komisarenko,Timothy Eisen,Sonia A Cunningham,Denise C Connolly,Robert G Uzzo,David Zaridze,Anush Mukeria,Ivana Holcatova,Anna Hornakova,Lenka Foretova,Vladimir Janout,Dana Mates,Viorel Jinga,Stefan Rascu,Mirjana Mijuskovic,Slavisa Savic,Sasa Milosavljevic,Valérie Gaborieau,Behnoush Abedi-Ardekani,James McKay,Mattias Johansson,Larry Phouthavongsy,Lindsay Hayman,Jason Li,Ilinca Lungu,Stephania M Bezerra,Aline G de Souza,Claudia T G Sares,Rodolfo B Reis,Fabio P Gallucci,Mauricio D Cordeiro,Mark Pomerantz,Gwo-Shu M Lee,Matthew L Freedman,Anhyo Jeong,Samantha E Greenberg,Alejandro Sanchez,R Houston Thompson,Vidit Sharma,David D Thiel,Colleen T Ball,Diego Abreu,Elaine T Lam,William C Nahas,Viraj A Master,Alpa V Patel,Jean-Christophe Bernhard,Neal D Freedman,Pierre Bigot,Rui M Reis,Leandro M Colli,Antonio Finelli,Brandon J Manley,Chikashi Terao,Toni K Choueiri,Dirce M Carraro,Richard Houlston,Jeanette E Eckel-Passow,Philip H Abbosh,Andrea Ganna,Paul Brennan,Jian Gu
Abstract:We performed a series of integrative analyses including transcriptome-wide association studies (TWASs) and proteome-wide association studies (PWASs) of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) to nominate and prioritize molecular targets for laboratory investigation. On the basis of a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of 29,020 affected individuals and 835,670 control individuals and prediction models trained in transcriptomic reference models, our TWAS across four kidney transcriptomes (GTEx kidney cortex, kidney tubules, TCGA-KIRC [The Cancer Genome Atlas kidney renal clear-cell carcinoma], and TCGA-KIRP [TCGA kidney renal papillary cell carcinoma]) identified 38 gene associations (false-discovery rate <5%) in at least two of four transcriptomic panels and identified 12 genes that were independent of GWAS susceptibility regions. Analyses combining TWAS associations across 48 tissues from GTEx identified associations that were replicable in tumor transcriptomes for 23 additional genes. Analyses by the two major histologic types (clear-cell RCC and papillary RCC) revealed subtype-specific associations, although at least three gene associations were common to both subtypes. PWAS identified 13 associated proteins, all mapping to GWAS-significant loci. TWAS-identified genes were enriched for active enhancer or promoter regions in RCC tumors and hypoxia-inducible factor binding sites in relevant cell lines. Using gene expression correlation, common cancers (breast and prostate) and RCC risk factors (e.g., hypertension and BMI) display genetic contributions shared with RCC. Our work identifies potential molecular targets for RCC susceptibility for downstream functional investigation.
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