First Report of Spot Blight on Water Spinach (ipomoea Aquatica) Caused by Stagonosporopsis Cucurbitacearum in China
P. Q. Liu,M. Y. Wei,L. Zhu,B. J. Li,Q. Y. Weng,Q. H. Chen
IF: 4.5
Plant Disease
Abstract:HomePlant DiseaseVol. 101, No. 5First Report of Spot Blight on Water Spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) Caused by Stagonosporopsis cucurbitacearum in China PreviousNext DISEASE NOTES OPENOpen Access licenseFirst Report of Spot Blight on Water Spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) Caused by Stagonosporopsis cucurbitacearum in ChinaP. Q. Liu, M. Y. Wei, L. Zhu, B. J. Li, Q. Y. Weng, and Q. H. ChenP. Q. LiuSearch for more papers by this author, M. Y. WeiSearch for more papers by this author, L. ZhuSearch for more papers by this author, B. J. LiSearch for more papers by this author, Q. Y. WengSearch for more papers by this author, and Q. H. ChenSearch for more papers by this authorAffiliationsAuthors and Affiliations P. Q. Liu , Fujian Key Laboratory for Monitoring and Integrated Management of Crop Pests, Institute of Plant Protection, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fuzhou, 350003, China M. Y. Wei L. Zhu B. J. Li Q. Y. Weng Q. H. Chen , Institute of Plant Protection, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fuzhou, 350003, China. Published Online:1 Mar 2017 ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack Citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditEmailWechat Ipomoea aquatica Forsk., or water spinach, is a medicinal vegetable that grows in the tropics and subtropics, and which has been cultivated extensively in China. In April 2016, small (2 to 5 mm in diameter), water-soaked lesions were observed on the leaves of water spinach (Taiwanbaigu 810) in the gardens in Fuzhou, Fujian, China. Subsequently, the affected areas turned tan colored, forming irregular leaf spots with conspicuous yellow borders between symptomatic and healthy tissues. The spots coalesced, resulting in the wilting of entire leaves within 20 to 30 days. Severe disease also caused premature senescence (i.e., the leaves dropped from affected plants). Symptomatic leaf samples were surface-sterilized with 70% ethanol for 1 min, followed by 1% NaOCl for 30 s, and then rinsed three times with sterile distilled water. These samples were plated onto potato dextrose agar (PDA) and incubated at 28°C in the dark (Chilvers et al. 2014). After 3 days, the fungal colonies that grew from the tissue were subcultured on PDA. Pure cultures were obtained using a modified method (Chilvers et al. 2014), and the single spores were obtained on 10% V8 medium and at 30°C. The same fungus was recovered and a representative isolate was named K4. The perithecia were globose to oblate and 80 to 130 µm in diameter. The asci, which measured 50 to 70 × 16 to 25 µm, were straight or slightly curved, bitunicate, and clavate. The conidia were globose and 18 to 35 µm in diameter. The pseudoparaphyses were filiform. The ascospores were 22 to 45 × 8 to 14 µm, fusoid to ellipsoidal, uniseptate, and hyaline. Punithalingam et al. (1972) characterized the morphology of Stagonosporopsis cucurbitacearum (Fr.) Aveskamp, Gruyter & Verkley (syn. Phoma cucurbitacearum [Fr.] Sacc.), and our results are similar to their description. Furthermore, genomic DNA was extracted and used for PCR amplification with rDNA ITS primers ITS1 and ITS4 (Vaghefi et al. 2012) and the β-tubulin gene (Stewart et al. 2015). The ITS region was sequenced and showed 100% identity to S. cucurbitacearum (GenBank: AB266846). Meanwhile, BLAST results also showed that the β-tubulin gene sequences was 99% homologous to those of S. cucurbitacearum in GenBank (GU237685). Eight healthy water spinach leaves (fifth to eighth leaf from the top in each plants) were collected and inoculated with agar plugs obtained from 10-day-old cultures grown on PDA in a chamber (28°C and 90% relative humidity), and the agar plugs of three isolates (K4, K5, and K6) were directly placed onto the adaxial surface of a leaf. Symptoms similar to the original ones appeared on the points of the leaves after 7 days. The control leaves remained healthy. The pathogen was reisolated from all inoculated, symptomatic leaves. Based on the fungal morphology and sequence analysis, this fungus was identified as S. cucurbitacearum, which has been reported on luohanguo (Siraitia grosvenorii) in China (Jiang et al. 2015). To our knowledge, this is the first report of S. cucurbitacearum infecting water spinach in China, and more attention should be given to other potentially susceptible host plants (e.g., cucurbits) in the area.References:Chilvers, M., et al. 2014. Curr. Genet. 60:295. Crossref, ISI, Google ScholarJiang, N., et al. 2015. Plant Dis. 99:1645. Link, ISI, Google ScholarPunithalingam, E., et al. 1972. Descriptions of Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria, No. 332. CMI, Kew, Surrey, England. Google ScholarStewart, J. E., et al. 2015. Fungal Biol. 119:370. Crossref, ISI, Google ScholarVaghefi, N., et al. 2012. Australas. Plant Pathol. 41:675. Crossref, ISI, Google ScholarDetailsFiguresLiterature CitedRelated Vol. 101, No. 5 May 2017SubscribeISSN:0191-2917e-ISSN:1943-7692 Metrics Article History Issue Date: 14 Apr 2017Published: 1 Mar 2017Accepted: 24 Dec 2016 Page: 838 Information© 2017 The American Phytopathological SocietyCited byFirst Report of Leaf Spot on Water Convolvulus Caused by Stemphylium solani in Yunnan Province, ChinaL. D. Chen, X. W. Xie, Y. X. Shi, A. L. Chai, L. Li, and B. J. 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