Ectomycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal rhizosphere fungi increase root-derived C input to soil and modify enzyme activities: A 14 C pulse labelling of Picea abies seedlings
Jie Zhou,Matthias Gube,Maire Holz,Bin Song,Immo Shan,Lingling Shi,Yakov Kuzyakov,Michaela A Dippold,Johanna Pausch
Abstract:Consequences of interactions between ectomycorrhizal fungi (EcMF) and non-mycorrhizal rhizosphere fungi (NMRF) for plant carbon (C) allocation belowground and nutrient cycling in soil remain unknown. To address this topic, we performed a mesocosm study with Norway spruce seedlings [Picea abies (L.) H. Karst] inoculated with EcMF, NMRF, or a mixture of both (MIX). 14 CO2 pulse labelling of spruce was applied to trace and visualize the 14 C incorporation into roots, rhizohyphosphere and hyphosphere. Activities and localization of enzymes involved in the C, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) cycling were visualized using zymography. Spruce seedlings inoculated with EcMF and NMRF allocated more C to soils (EcMF: 10.7%; NMRF: 3.5% of total recovered C) compared to uninoculated control seedlings. The 14 C activity in the hyphosphere was highest for EcMF and lowest for NMRF. In the presence of both, NMRF and EcMF (MIX), the 14 C activity was 64% lower compared with EcMF inoculation alone. This suggests a suppressed C allocation via EcMF likely due to the competition between EcMF and NMRF for N and P. Furthermore, we observed 57% and 49% higher chitinase and leucine-aminopeptidase activities in the rhizohyphosphere of EcMF compared to the uninoculated control, respectively. In contrast, β-glucosidase activity (14.3 nmol cm-2 h-1 ) was highest in NMRF likely because NMRF consumed rhizodeposits efficiently. This was further supported by that enzyme stoichiometry in soil with EcMF shifted to a higher investment of nutrient acquisition enzymes (e.g., chitinase, leucine-aminopeptidase, acid phosphatase) compared to NMRF inoculation, where investment in β-glucosidase increased. In conclusion, the alleviation of EcMF from C limitation promotes higher activities of enzymes involved in the N and P cycle to cover the nutrient demand of EcMF and host seedlings. In contrast, C limitation of NMRF probably led to a shift in investment towards higher activities of enzymes involved in the C cycle.