Assessment of rewarming methods in unplanned out-of-hospital births from a prospective cohort
François Javaudin,Mélodie Roche,Lucile Trutt,Isabelle Bunker,Valérie Hamel,Sybille Goddet,François Templier,Christine Potiron,Quentin Le Bastard,Philippe Pes,Gilles Bagou,Jean-Louis Chabernaud,Emmanuel Montassier,Brice Leclère,Nathalie Laurent,Dominique Foissin,Mickael Allouche,Claire Girardi,Hervé Degrange,Christelle Graf-Ammar,Magali Cotin,Thierry Debreux,Victor Tasteyre,Stéphane Meunier,Juliette Meunier,Adeline Sourbes,Vivien Brenckmann,Cyrielle Clape,Caroline Sanchez,Resa Dorostgou,Coralie Chassin,Sylvie Allard,Carole Bernard de Villeneuve,Régine Maupoint,Emilie Hue,Yacine Lamarche-Vadel,Solweig Barbier,Gaelle Le Bail,Katy Silverston,Fabrice Louvet,Eva Gallet,Valérie Demin,Nathalie Roudiak,Fatia Bouarfa,Catherine Ferrand,Sylvain Geoffroy,Bertrand Jestin,Cédric Gangloff,Adelaide Denoel,Julien Miklin,Stéphane Chateaux,Sylvain Ambard,Yoann Evain,Christine Goubet-Potiron,Hélène Broch,Pierre Houdayer,Lucile Bruere-Ronzi,Caroline Savatier,Elsa Rocour,Bruno Rohee,Guillaume Barre,Dominique Chevalier,Mohamed Touil,Juliette Foucher,Sylvie Baumard,Frédéric Saura,Christine Jaulin,Hélène Bellanger,Romain Cheyssac,Caroline Jimenez,Chloe Carruesco,Marianne Corbillon,Delphine Garnier,Marie-Laure Devaud,Anne-Sophie Pruliere,Nathalie Laurent,Aurélie Guinard,Hervé Degrange,Jean-Claude Lecuit,Anne-Sophie Lucas,
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
Abstract:Abstract Background Mobile intensive care units frequently manage unplanned out-of-hospital births (UOHB). Rewarming methods during pre-hospital management of UOHB have not yet been compared. The aim was to compare rewarming methods used during pre-hospital management in a large prospective cohort of UOHB in France. Methods We analysed UOHB from the prospective AIE cohort from 25 prehospital emergency medical services in France. The primary outcome was the change in body temperature from arrival at scene to arrival at hospital. Results From 2011 to 2018, 1854 UOHB were recorded, of whom 520 were analysed. We found that using incubator care was the most effective rewarming method (+ 0.8 °C during transport), followed by the combination of plastic bag, skin-to-skin and cap (+ 0.2 °C). The associations plastic bag + cap and skin-to-skin + cap did not allow the newborn to be warmed up but rather to maintain initial temperature (+ 0.0 °C). The results of the multivariate model were consistent with these observations, with better rewarming with the use of an incubator. We also identified circumstances of increased risk of hypothermia according to classification and regression tree, like premature birth (< 37 weeks of gestation) and/or low outside temperature (< 8.4 °C). Conclusions Using an incubator was the most effective rewarming method during pre-hospital management of UOHB in our French prospective cohort. Based on our model, in cases of term less than 37 weeks of gestation or between 37 and 40 weeks with a low outside temperature or initial hypothermia, using such a method would be preferred.