Classes of Pseudo-BCK algebras -Part I
A. Iorgulescu
Abstract:In this paper we study particular classes of pseudo-BCK algebras, bounded or not bounded, as pseudo-BCK(pP) algebras, pseudo-BCK(pP) lattices, pseudo-H́ ajek(pP) algebras and pseudo-Wajsberg algebras. We introduce new classes of pseudo-BCK(pP) lattices, we establish hierarchies and we give some examples. We work with left-defined algebras and we work with→ and; as primitive operations, not with the pseudo-t-norm. The paper has two parts. In the first part, we introduce amethodology for the simultaneous work with several algebras of logicand not only of logicand consequently, since we already have pseudo-BCK(pP) algebras and pseudo-Wajsberg algebras, categorically isomorphic with porims (partially ordered residuated integral monoids) and pseudo-MV algebras, respectively, we introduce pseudo-BCK(pP) lattices, pseudo-H ájek(pP) algebras, weakpseudo-H́ajek(pP) algebras and divisible pseudo-BCK(pP) lattices as particular classes of pseudo-BCK algebras, categorically isomorphic with non-commutative residuated lattices, pseudo-BL algebras, weak-pseudoBL algebras (pseudo-MTL algebras) and divisible non-commutative residuated lattices, respectively. We analyse some bounded algebras connected with logic, but corresponding not-bounded algebras too (when there is only a greatest element, 1); therefore, we define the generalized-pseudo-H ájek(pP) algebras, the generalized-pseudoWajsberg algebras, the weak-generalized-pseudo-H ájek(pP) algebras (generalized-pseudo-MTL algebras) etc. We divide the properties of (generalized-) pseudo-H ájek(pP) algebras into three groups: those coming from the fact that they are pseudo-BCK(pP) algebras, those coming from the fact that they are lattices (pseudo-BCK(pP) lattices) and those coming from pseudo-divisibility, (pdiv), and pseudo-pre-linearity, (pprel), conditions; we present these properties, old and new ones. We find equivalent conditions with (pdiv) and (pprel) and, since a pseudo-H́ajek(pP) algebra satisfies also ( pC∨) condition, we show its connection with (pdiv) and (pprel) conditions: