Dating Violence Victimization, Perpetration and Suicidality Among Adolescents

Nancy Perrin,Dominique Guillaume,Tina Bloom,Kamila Alexander,Wuraola Olawole,Amber Clough,Rachael Turner,Nancy Glass
Abstract:Few studies have focused on evaluating the relationship between dating violence (DV) and suicide during the critical period of adolescence, particularly for transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) youth. The study examined the relationship between experiencing DV victimization and perpetration in the past 6 months and suicidality (ideation and attempts) among male, female, and TGD adolescents. This study used data from a longitudinal randomized trial examining the effectiveness of myPlan, a healthy relationship and safety planning app intervention for adolescents, to a control website. Data for this study was collected virtually, in which participants completed surveys through online platforms. A convenience sample was recruited through youth organizations and posting on online platforms including social media. N = 610 adolescents age 15-17 years, who resided in the U.S. experienced DV in the past 6 months, had access to a safe device, and were able to access online surveys were included in this study. The majority were female (63.8%) with (19.5%) TGD and 16.7% male. Nearly 22% of the sample identified as Hispanic/Latino and 61.0% as white. Participants completed an online survey consisting of measures of socio demographics, DV victimization and perpetration via the Conflict of Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory (CADRI), and suicidality. The primary outcome was the association between DV victimization and perpetration on suicidality. Different forms of DV were accounted for including emotional/relational, physical, and sexual DV. Logistic regressions determined differences in the rate of DV victimization and perpetration on suicidality between gender groups (cisgender female, cisgender male, and TGD). A stratified analysis was conducted to test if the relationship between DV and suicidality differed across gender identity. Approximately one-third (32.2%) of adolescents reported suicidality in the past 6 months. TGD adolescents were more likely to report suicidality compared to males (20.6%, p < .05) and females (32.7%, p > .05). The overall odds of suicidality increased as frequency of emotional/relational DV victimization (OR = 1.37, p < .001), physical DV victimization (OR = 1.59, p < .001) and sexual DV victimization (OR = 1.42, p < .001) increased. These relationships were not significant for DV perpetration. When stratifying findings by gender groups, all forms of DV victimization significantly increased the odds of suicidality for females as well as female perpetration of physical violence. For males, all forms of DV victimization and perpetration were associated with increased odds of suicidality, although not significant due to the smaller sample size. While DV victimization is associated with increased odds of suicidality for TGD, perpetration of DV is associated with decreased odds of suicidality, although not significant due to small sample size. The findings from this study provide further insight into experiences of DV and suicidality among gender diverse youth and can guide future interventions aimed at preventing DV and suicide among adolescents.
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