Assessing the Mental Model State of Emergency Responders in the Context of Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) Incidents: A Multi-state Study
Angela E Leek,Nir Keren,Mack C Shelley,Warren Franke,Gretchen A Mosher,Stephen A Simpson,Timothy Rice,H Emily Hayden
Abstract:Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Technicians' notions of mental model, or cognitive representations of their understanding and beliefs regarding Radiological Dispersal Devices (RDDs) incidents, have not been previously explored. A prior study developed an Expected Mental Model State (EMMS) framework specific to RDD incident response for HAZMAT technicians. The work herein presents the development of a derivative of this framework, the EMMS Diagnostic Matrix, to evaluate the actual Mental Model State (MMS) of HAZMAT technicians in the context of RDD incidents. The EMMS Diagnostic Matrix was administered via a survey and simulation activity in four U.S. states representing the Northeast, West, South, and Midwest regions. Data were collected and coded using grounded theory methodology. Reflexive thematic analysis was employed to identify themes across related areas where the notions of mental model for the HAZMAT technician responders' actual MMS differed from the EMMS. The analysis of the collected data revealed four significant themes representing incomplete notions of the mental model spanning various EMMS conceptual domains: Overestimation of Radiation Dose and Health Effects, indicating misunderstandings about the health impacts of radiation exposure, Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS), particularly in the lower range of radiation doses; Overreliance on Responder Protection [personal protective equipment (PPE)/self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)], highlighting gaps in understanding radiation principles and radioactive material dispersal properties from a radiological dispersal device; Misunderstanding Radiation Detection and Units, signifying confusion about radiation units and differentiation between dose rate and accumulated dose; and Incomplete Understanding of Radiation Characteristics and Dispersal Properties, outlining a limited grasp of inhalation risks from radiation and the dispersal traits of a radiological dispersal device. The interconnectedness of these technical misunderstandings can guide the development of a strategic plan to evaluate and modify existing training, aiming at these specific themes to improve the efficiency of HAZMAT technicians in emergency situations and to identify areas for further research.
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