Conformational heterogeneity and structural features for function of the prototype viroporin influenza AM2
Kyriakos Georgiou,Antonios Kolocouris
Abstract:The 97-residue influenza A matrix 2 (ΑM2) protein, a prototype for viroporins, transports protons through water molecules and His37. We discuss structural biology and molecular biophysics experiments and some functional assays that have transformed over 40 years our understanding of the structure and function of AM2. The structural studies on ΑM2 have been performed with different conditions (pH, temperature, lipid, constructs) and using various protein constructs, e.g., AM2 transmembrane (AM2TM) domain, AM2 conductance domain (AM2CD), ectodomain-containing or ectodomain-truncated, AM2 full length (AM2FL) and aimed to describe the different conformations and structural details that are necessary for the stability and function of AM2. However, the conclusions from these experiments appeared sometimes ambiguous and caused exciting debates. This was not due to inaccurate measurements, but instead because of the different membrane mimetic environment used, e.g., detergent, micelles or phospholipid bilayer, the method (e.g., X-ray crystallography, solid state NMR, solution NMR, native mass spectrometry), the used protein construct (e.g., AM2TM or AM2CD), or the amino acids residues to follow observables (e.g., NMR chemical shifts). We present these results according to the different used biophysical methods, the research groups and often by keeping a chronological order for presenting the progress in the research. We discuss ideas for additional research on structural details of AM2 and how the present findings can be useful to explore new routes of influenza A inhibition. The AM2 research can provide inspiration to study other viroporins as drug targets.