Non-agricultural databases and thesauri: Retrieval of subject headings and non-controlled terms in relation to agriculture

T. Bartol
Abstract:Purpose – The paper aims to assess the utility of non‐agriculture‐specific information systems, databases, and respective controlled vocabularies (thesauri) in organising and retrieving agricultural information. The purpose is to identify thesaurus‐linked tree structures, controlled subject headings/terms (heading words, descriptors), and principal database‐dependent characteristics and assess how controlled terms improve retrieval results (recall) in relation to free‐text/uncontrolled terms in abstracts and document titles.Design/methodology/approach – Several different hosts (interfaces, platforms, portals) and databases were used: CSA Illumina (ERIC, LISA), Ebscohost (Academic Search Complete, Medline, Political Science Complete), Ei‐Engineering Village (Compendex, Inspec), OVID (PsycINFO), ProQuest (ABI/Inform Global). The search‐terms agriculture and agricultural and truncated word‐stem agricultur‐ were employed. Permuted (rotated index) search fields were used to retrieve terms from thesauri. Subjec...
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