[An overview of investments in the development of the Russian Medtech market and the prospects for the impact of digitalization in medicine on the economic performance of companies until 2030]
M A Egorov,S A Bazhenova,N A Rastegaeva,N V Koroleva,I N Ishik
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32687/0869-866X-2024-32-s1-588-593
Abstract:Today, the topic of digitalization, the introduction of innovations based on Big Data, the complexity of technologies due to the introduction of artificial intelligence in medicine and healthcare is one of the most relevant in this industry, undoubtedly contributing to its rapid development. As a result of this development, there is a huge number of services and applications. Internet resources, not only for health tracking (more than 3,500 applications are available by the end of 2023), but also the development of diagnostic resources, telemedicine, etc. Quite quickly, it was the pandemic and its consequences that changed the format of interaction between doctors, communication in the community of doctors, and their interaction with patients. Saving time when making an appointment with a doctor, visiting him, constant monitoring of the condition of patients, becoming better and more multidirectional day by day, make it possible to provide timely, relevant care to more people. The use of artificial intelligence technologies and digital solutions in the field of Russian healthcare opens up great prospects for both doctors and patients, as well as for many government agencies, since the development of regulatory and legal regulation and state control and management of innovations in the field of medicine and healthcare is important. An important factor is that not only government programs for the development of healthcare, but also investments are extremely important for the development of digital medicine.