The study on the cultural exchange between Japan , China , and the US in Museum of Fine Arts , Boston ― The contributions of Okakura Tenshin

S. Matsumura
Abstract:Wu Changshuo’s “Yu-Gu-Wei-Tu与古為徒” Chinese Plaque, on the wall in the area of Oriental arts collection in Museum of Fine Arts (MFA), Boston, have been thought Okakura Tenshin, who was the head of Chinese and Japanese arts collection of the museum, had asked Wu Changshuo to make it. However, in fact, Nagao Uzan (he was a Okakura’s friend and Sinologist who lived in Shanghai,) asked Wu Changshuo as his neighbor to write, and put it in a Black Lacquer. Then, he sent it to Okakura in Boston. Since Nagao was asked to be an advisory staff at MFA by Okakura at that time, he sent the plaque as an inaugural gift, I think. Okaura’s contributions at MFA have been highly regarded, but nobody have mentioned there was cooperation by a scholar named Nagao, who had a relationship with Wu Changshuo and inherited the orthodox of Sinology. The purpose of this report is analyzing his works and finding out the signification of the cultural exchange between Japan, China, and the US, which have achieved success in modern times. (受付日:2017 年 7 月 6 日,受理日:2017 年 9 月 11 日) 松村 茂樹(まつむら しげき) 現職:大妻女子大学文学部コミュニケ-ション文化学科教授 筑波大学大学院博士課程文芸・言語研究科中退 博士(文学,筑波大学) 専門は中国文化論,アジア太平洋国際交流論.2015 年 4 月より 2016 年 3 月まで,ボストン大学客員 研究員として,米国ボストンに滞在.ボストン大学アジア研究センターで発表するなどして,日中米文 化交流研究を進めた. 主な著書:書を考える−書の本質とは(単著,二玄社) 呉昌碩研究(単著,研文出版) 呉昌碩談論−文人と 芸術家の間−(単編,柳原出版) 書を探る−王羲之から書教育まで(単著,アートダイジェスト) 近代中国 の文化人と書(単著,研文出版) 鄭板橋(共著,芸術新聞社) 傅山(共著,芸術新聞社) 遺老が語る故宮博 物院(共訳,二玄社)
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