Ent Manifestations in Sculptors of South Chennai, India: A Cross Sectional Observational Study
R B Namasivaya Navin,D Balaji,K Gowthame,S Prabakaran,S Rajasekaran,S R Karthika
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-023-04179-1
Abstract:Despite the National Occupational Safety and Legislation Act 2020's implementation, reports of workplace accidents are rising in India. Various ear, nose, and throat conditions have been linked to a wide range of physico-chemical variables. Due to a lack of training, inadequate knowledge, a lack of awareness of occupational health and safety risks, or a lack of accessibility to or use of personal protective equipment (PPE), sculptors are frequently exposed to a variety of physical, compound and unplanned risks, chemical, and accidental hazards. The study aimed to assess the various ear, nose and throat manifestations like noise induced hearing loss, occupational rhinitis and non-infectious pharyngitis among the sculptors working in the southern part of Chennai. This observational study was performed in a total of 110 sculptors. Demographic data like age, education, duration of occupation, use of PPE like face mask, ear plug during work hours, whether sculpting is a family occupation or first generation sculptor. A detailed history and thorough ENT examination was performed with pure tone audiometry (PTA), diagnostic nasal endoscopy (DNE) and videolaryngoscopy (VLS). If any problem is detected they will be treated accordingly. Most of them (70%) were in the age group of 21-40 years but 71% of them are sculptors for more than 15 years which infers introduction to the occupation at an early age. The reason for this could be more than 80% of them possessed the heritage of sculpting as their family occupation. Duration of occupation was significantly associated with chronic rhinitis (P value was 0.002) and NIHL (P value was 0.002) whereas education and use of PPE like face mask or ear plugs were not associated with ENT manifestations. This study focuses on the sculptors' working habits, their ignorance of safety precautions, and an assessment of the numerous ENT ailments. These manifestations showed a strong correlation to exposure time. To prevent the issues from becoming more severe, regular medical monitoring is required for early detection and intervention.