Xin YU,Guo-Hui YANG,Wen-Jun BU
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0739.2008.02.026
Abstract:The present paper sums up the research history of Pyrrhosoma Charpentier, with emphasis on diagnostic characters of the genus. Besides the red body color, one important diagnostic character for Pyrrhosoma is the presence of distinct hook-like projection between male cerci and paraprocts (Figs.3-4, as indicated with arrows), called the ventral branch by Kalkman (2006), which extended from the very base of cerci. As Asahina (1973) pointed out, Needham (1930) had confused Pyrrhosoma tinctipenne with Calicnemia sp. from China, however, his unique figure about this species (Needham, 1930. P.191 Fig.2[5]) was right about Pyrrhosoma tinctipenne.Pyrrhosoma latiloba sp. nov.(Figs.7-17,18-19)Holotype ♂, Zhongdian, Yunnan, China, 4 Aug. 2005, YANG Guo-Hui leg. Paratype 1♀, ditto. Type specimens will be deposited in the Institute of Entomology, College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin, China. The new species is similar to Pyrrhosoma tinctipenne from China, the differences between these two species were listed in the Table 1 below. The new species can be distinguished from two European species by color pattern and the shape of ligula. Table 1.Differences between Pyrrhosoma tinctipenne and Pyrrhosoma latiloba sp. nov.[BHDFG2,WK10ZQ,WK25ZQ,WKZQW]CharactersP. tinctipenneP. latiloba sp. nov.Ligula (Penis)Third segment of penis narrow, especially at the base, second segment can be seen ventrally (Fig.6)Third segment of penis broad, second segment can not be seen ventrally (Fig.12)Male caudal appendagesVentral branch inward at the level within basal 1/2 length of cerci, tip of ventral branch can be seen dorsally between cerci, little lobe at base of ventral branch almost circle-liked and conspicuous. (Figs.1-2)Ventral branch inward at the level beyond basal 1/2 length of cerci, tip of ventral branch can not be seen dorsally between cerci, little lobe at base of ventral branch inconspicuous. (Figs.9-10) Male head color patternBase of postclypeus pale, postoccipital stripe absentBase of postclypeus entirely black, postoccipital stripe yellow (Fig.7)Male abdomen color patternSegements 8-9 with black lateral markings, segement 10 entirely red (Figs.1-2)Segements 8-10 almost entirely black dorsally (Figs.9-10)Female pronotumMargin of hind lobe twist and waved (Fig.4)Margin of hind lobe smooth, definite concave at each side (Fig.13)Female abdomen color patternAlmost entirely black, especially the distal half of the abdomen (Fig.3)Almost entirely orange, only some small dorsal black markings (Figs.8, 19)